Git rm 命令
更新时间: 2019-07-13 17:17
git rm [-f | --force] [-n] [-r] [--cached] [--ignore-unmatch] [--quiet] [--] <file>...
Files to remove. Fileglobs (e.g. *.c) can be given to remove all matching files. If you want Git to expand file glob characters,
you may need to shell-escape them. A leading directory name (e.g. dir to remove dir/file1 and dir/file2) can be given to remove
all files in the directory, and recursively all sub-directories, but this requires the -r option to be explicitly given.
-f, --force
Override the up-to-date check.
-n, --dry-run
Don't actually remove any file(s). Instead, just show if they exist in the index and would otherwise be removed by the command.
Allow recursive removal when a leading directory name is given.
This option can be used to separate command-line options from the list of files, (useful when filenames might be mistaken for
command-line options).
Use this option to unstage and remove paths only from the index. Working tree files, whether modified or not, will be left alone.
Exit with a zero status even if no files matched.
-q, --quiet
git rm normally outputs one line (in the form of an rm command) for each file removed. This option suppresses that output.
# 删除工作区文件,并且将这次删除放入暂存区
$ git rm [file1] [file2] ...
# 停止追踪指定文件,但该文件会保留在工作区
$ git rm --cached [file]
查看更多 git rm
git help rm