对于大部分人来说,第一次见到 class.forName(String className)
这句代码应该是在使用 JDBC 方式连接数据库的时候。
import com . mysql . jdbc . Driver ;
import java . sql .*;
public class JdbcDemo {
public static void main ( String [ ] args ) throws SQLException , ClassNotFoundException {
String url = " jdbc:mysql:// " ;
String username = " root " ;
String password = " redhat " ;
Class . forName ( " com.mysql.jdbc.Driver " ) ;
Connection connection = DriverManager . getConnection ( url , username , password ) ;
String sql = " SELECT * FROM msg " ;
PreparedStatement prepareStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( sql ) ;
ResultSet resultSet = prepareStatement . executeQuery ( ) ;
resultSet . next ( ) ;
String address = resultSet . getString ( " address " ) ;
System . out . println ( address ) ;
Class.forName 传入 com.mysql.jdbc.Driver 之后,就知道我连接的数据库是 mysql,这是为什么呢,看看源代码:
@ CallerSensitive
public static Class <?> forName ( String className ) throws ClassNotFoundException {
Class <?> caller = Reflection . getCallerClass ( ) ;
return forName0 ( className , true , ClassLoader . getClassLoader ( caller ) , caller ) ;
发现它调用了 forName0 方法,继续跟踪再看看:
private static native Class <?> forName0 ( String name , boolean initialize ,
ClassLoader loader ,
Class <?> caller )
throws ClassNotFoundException ;
native 方法,源码也只能到此结束了。再看看看官方文档的描述:https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/Class.html#forName(java.lang.String)
Returns the Class object associated with the class or interface with the given string name, using the given class loader. Given the fully qualified name for a class or interface (in the same format returned by getName) this method attempts to locate, load, and link the class or interface. The specified class loader is used to load the class or interface. If the parameter loader is null, the class is loaded through the bootstrap class loader. The class is initialized only if the initialize parameter is true and if it has not been initialized earlier.
大概翻译一下就是:返回一个给定类或者接口的一个 Class 对象,如果没有给定 classloader, 那么会使用根类加载器。如果 initalize 这个参数传了 true,那么给定的类如果之前没有被初始化过,那么会被初始化。我们在 JDBC 第一步的时候,传入的参数是 com.mysql.jdbc.Driver。也就是说这个类会被初始化,我们看一下这个类里面的内容:
public class Driver extends NonRegisteringDriver implements java . sql . Driver {
static {
try {
java . sql . DriverManager . registerDriver ( new Driver ( ) ) ;
} catch ( SQLException E ) {
throw new RuntimeException ( " Can't register driver! " ) ;
public Driver ( ) throws SQLException {
我们发现这个类也是超级简单的。一个构造函数和一个静态代码块。我们知道,类在初始化的时候,静态代码块的内容会被执行的。也就是说我们 Class.forName
和直接写 DriverManager.registerDriver(new Driver)
public class JdbcDemo {
public static void main ( String [ ] args ) throws SQLException , ClassNotFoundException {
String url = " jdbc:mysql:// " ;
String username = " root " ;
String password = " redhat " ;
DriverManager . registerDriver ( new Driver ( ) ) ;
Connection connection = DriverManager . getConnection ( url , username , password ) ;
String sql = " SELECT * FROM msg " ;
PreparedStatement prepareStatement = connection . prepareStatement ( sql ) ;
ResultSet resultSet = prepareStatement . executeQuery ( ) ;
resultSet . next ( ) ;
String address = resultSet . getString ( " address " ) ;
System . out . println ( address ) ;
方法的作用,就是初始化给定的类。而我们给定的 MySQL 的 Driver 类中,它在静态代码块中通过 JDBC 的 DriverManager 注册了一下驱动。我们也可以直接使用 JDBC 的驱动管理器注册 mysql 驱动,从而代替使用 Class.forName