jQuery + Adobe Flash integration plugin

码农软件 · 软件分类 · Flash开发包 · 2019-04-04 09:29:12


Embedding Flash with flashembed.js

flashembed is a javascript tool that you can use to embed Flash objects to you website. There are other tools for embedding flash objects but none of them offers the same flexibility and ease of use as this one.


  • Easy to use. Other Flash embedding tools can be hard to understand and use. You need to read loads of documentation for achieving a very simple task. This tool takes only 1 to 3 arguments and thats it.
  • JSON configuration. Today many flash objects are configured with lot's of parameters and many of those parameters are complex JSON objects. This plugin enables to supply JSON configurations directly to your Flash object. You don't need to hazzle with complex strings and character escapes. In fact this was the main reason for developing this plugin.
  • Alternate content. This plugin offers the easiest way to handle users with old Flash versions or users that do not have flash at all. You have following choises

    1. Default behaviour is to replace alternate content with flash if user has required flash version.
    2. You setup express install to upgrade Flash on the fly.
    3. You can configure you own onFail method that can generate content dynamically. You may even want to set up alternate browser instead of Flash.
    4. If you are too lazy to configure anything you can let this tool to show default message which is actually very informational. User will see a message informing about required player version and a direct link to correct download page.
  • jQuery support. jQuery is no longer required but is very well supported. If you have many Flash objects on your site (such as sifr objects) jQuery is an ideal tool for "flash-enabling" them. It has native query language for finding elements and this plugin can replace those elements with Flash. jQuery is not required sot this tool can also work without it.
  • flexible API access. After you have placed your Flash object to the page you'll instantly have the handle to the Flash object's programming interface (API) if such is profided.
  • Size. Althought rich in features this plugin weights a ridiculous 4.1 kb when packed.


// without jQuery: replace first argument with flash
flashembed(element, {parameters}, {configuration});

// with jQuery: replace selected jQuery objects with flash
$("selector").flashembed({parameters}, {configuration});




戴维•罗斯 / 中信出版集团 / 2016-6 / 49.00元

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URL 编码/解码
URL 编码/解码

URL 编码/解码

