- 授权协议: 未知
- 开发语言: PHP
- 操作系统: 跨平台
- 软件首页: http://www.sephiroth.it/swfreader.php
// include the PEAR package
require "File/SWF.php";
$flash = new SWF("source.swf");
$stat = $flash->stat();
// this give all the info
// and also..
$fps = $flash->getFrameRate();
$size = $flash->getMovieSize();
$bg = $flash->getBackgroundColor();
$prot = $flash->getProtected();
$compr = $flash->getCompression();
$version = $flash->getVersion();
// they can be changed...
// and write a new file...
Introduction to Semi-Supervised Learning
Xiaojin Zhu、Andrew B. Goldberg / Morgan and Claypool Publishers / 2009-6-29 / USD 40.00
Semi-supervised learning is a learning paradigm concerned with the study of how computers and natural systems such as humans learn in the presence of both labeled and unlabeled data. Traditionally, le......一起来看看 《Introduction to Semi-Supervised Learning》 这本书的介绍吧!