- 授权协议: 未知
- 开发语言: Java
- 操作系统: 跨平台
- 软件首页: http://www.badgers-in-foil.co.uk/projects/jactionscript/
- 软件文档: http://www.badgers-in-foil.co.uk/projects/jactionscript/apidocs/index.html
jActionScript 是一个使用了 JavaSWF2 的 Flash 解析器和生成器。提供了一个基于对象模型的 ActionScript 字节码,并提供了 ActionScript 字节码统计工具。
public class LinkExtractor {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
GetUrlStackListener l = new GetUrlStackListener();
SimpleStackSimulator v = new SimpleStackSimulator(l);
SWFActionExtract extract = new SWFActionExtract(v);
TagParser parser = new TagParser(extract);
SWFReader reader = new SWFReader(parser, args[0]);
private static class GetUrlStackListener extends NullStackListener {
public void visitGET_URL2(GetURL2Action action,
Operand target, Operand url)
if (url.knownValue()) {
System.out.println("GET_URL2: "+url.getValue());
} else {
System.out.println("GET_URL2: (unknown)");
public void visitGET_URL(GetURLAction action) {
System.out.println("GET_URL: "+action.getURL());
Building Web Reputation Systems
Randy Farmer、Bryce Glass / Yahoo Press / 2010 / GBP 31.99
What do Amazon's product reviews, eBay's feedback score system, Slashdot's Karma System, and Xbox Live's Achievements have in common? They're all examples of successful reputation systems that enable ......一起来看看 《Building Web Reputation Systems》 这本书的介绍吧!