- 授权协议: GPLv3
- 开发语言: PHP
- 操作系统: 跨平台
- 软件首页: http://www.sivann.gr/software/itdb/
- 软件文档: https://github.com/sivann/itdb
======ITDB 是一个基于Web的办公环境IT资产设备管理信息系统,主要适用于IT设备,但不仅限于此。
ITDB 可帮你管理:
硬件: specs, warranties, s/n, IP info, what other H/W relates/connects to this H/W, item status, ...
软件: specs, license info, ...
关系: where each software is installed, license QTY, component relations, ...
发票: when, from whom, how much was each asset purchased, what was the contract, attached documents, ...
代理/组织: Vendors, Manufacturers, Buyers, Contacts ...
地点: where is each asset located, which room, which rack row if applicable...
责任人: who has what or who is responsible for what
机架: display rack layout with items assigned to each rack row
标签打印 to tag all your assets, from phones and laptops to cooling units and ups. Easily define new label layouts.
王福强 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2009.8 / 99.00元
没有教程似的训导,更多的是说故事般的娓娓道来,本书是作者在多年的工作中积累的第一手Spring框架使用经验的总结,深入剖析了Spring框架各个模块的功能、出现的背景、设计理念和设计原理,揭开了Spring框架的神秘面纱,使你“知其然,更知其所以然”。每部分的扩展篇帮助读者活学活用Spring框架的方方面面,同时可以触类旁通,衍生出新的思路和解决方案。 本书内容全面,论述深刻入理,必将成为每......一起来看看 《Spring揭秘》 这本书的介绍吧!