- 授权协议: 未知
- 开发语言: Java
- 操作系统: 跨平台
- 软件首页: http://www.reportmill.com/javi/
- 软件文档: http://www.reportmill.com/javi/tutorial.html
Java Inventor 是一个用来学习 Java 开发的 Java IDE,提供可视化GUI设计器、可视化数据绑定和报表设计等
Impractical Python Projects
Lee Vaughan / No Starch Press / 2018-11 / USD 29.95
Impractical Python Projects picks up where the complete beginner books leave off, expanding on existing concepts and introducing new tools that you’ll use every day. And to keep things interesting, ea......一起来看看 《Impractical Python Projects》 这本书的介绍吧!