- 授权协议: Apache
- 开发语言: C/C++ Python
- 操作系统: 跨平台
- 软件首页: http://mxnet.io/
- 软件文档: http://mxnet.io/get_started/
- 官方下载: https://github.com/dmlc/mxnet/releases
MXNet 是一款设计为效率和灵活性的深度学习框架。它允许你混合符号编程和命令式编程,从而最大限度提高效率和生产力。在其核心是一个动态的依赖调度,它能够自动并行符号和命令的操作。
有一个图形优化层,使得符号执行速度快,内存使用高效。这个库便携,轻量,而且能够扩展到多个 GPU 和多台机器。
MXNet 的系统架构如下图所示:
Design notes providing useful insights that can re-used by other DL projects
Flexible configuration for arbitrary computation graph
Mix and match good flavours of programming to maximize flexibility and efficiency
Lightweight, memory efficient and portable to smart devices
Scales up to multi GPUs and distributed setting with auto parallelism
Support for python, R, C++ and Julia
Cloud-friendly and directly compatible with S3, HDFS, and Azure
R for Data Science
Hadley Wickham、Garrett Grolemund / O'Reilly Media / 2016-12-25 / USD 39.99
http://r4ds.had.co.nz/一起来看看 《R for Data Science》 这本书的介绍吧!