C 练习实例65
C 语言教程
· 2019-02-22 10:12:00
// Created by www.codercto.com on 15/11/9. // Copyright © 2015年 码农教程. All rights reserved. // #include "graphics.h" #include "math.h" #include "dos.h" #include "conio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "stdarg.h" #define MAXPTS 15 #define PI 3.1415926 struct PTS { int x,y; }; double AspectRatio=0.85; void LineToDemo(void) { struct viewporttype vp; struct PTS points[MAXPTS]; int i, j, h, w, xcenter, ycenter; int radius, angle, step; double rads; printf(" MoveTo / LineTo Demonstration" ); getviewsettings( &vp ); h = vp.bottom - vp.top; w = vp.right - vp.left; xcenter = w / 2; /* Determine the center of circle */ ycenter = h / 2; radius = (h - 30) / (AspectRatio * 2); step = 360 / MAXPTS; /* Determine # of increments */ angle = 0; /* Begin at zero degrees */ for( i=0 ; i<MAXPTS ; ++i ){ /* Determine circle intercepts */ rads = (double)angle * PI / 180.0; /* Convert angle to radians */ points[i].x = xcenter + (int)( cos(rads) * radius ); points[i].y = ycenter - (int)( sin(rads) * radius * AspectRatio ); angle += step; /* Move to next increment */ } circle( xcenter, ycenter, radius ); /* Draw bounding circle */ for( i=0 ; i<MAXPTS ; ++i ){ /* Draw the cords to the circle */ for( j=i ; j<MAXPTS ; ++j ){ /* For each remaining intersect */ moveto(points[i].x, points[i].y); /* Move to beginning of cord */ lineto(points[j].x, points[j].y); /* Draw the cord */ } } } int main() { int driver,mode; driver=CGA;mode=CGAC0; initgraph(&driver,&mode,""); setcolor(3); setbkcolor(GREEN); LineToDemo(); }
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胡江堂、李成、唐雅薇、秦琴、蒋宇东、刘未鹏、居振梁、刘帅、温卫斌、张弦、张凯峰、庄表伟、宋劲杉、程露、黄小明、易晓东、简朝阳、林健、高昂、徐宥、辜新星 / 电子工业出版社 / 2009 / 29.80
一群IT小小鸟—— 来自十几所院校,或男生,或女生;或科班,或半路转行。 分布在不同的公司,或外企,或国企,或民企,老板有土有洋。 有失意,有快意;有泪水,有欢笑。在失望中追求希望,在迷茫中辨别方向。 他们用自己的成长故事,告诉在校的师弟师妹们: 青春太宝贵,千万别浪费;要想不浪费,万事早准备。一起来看看 《我是一只IT小小鸟》 这本书的介绍吧!