PHP current() 函数
PHP 教程
· 2019-01-22 18:28:14
$people = array("Peter", "Joe", "Glenn", "Cleveland");
echo current($people) . "<br>";
$people = array("Peter", "Joe", "Glenn", "Cleveland");
echo current($people) . "<br>";
current() 函数返回数组中的当前元素的值。
- end() - 将内部指针指向数组中的最后一个元素,并输出。
- next() - 将内部指针指向数组中的下一个元素,并输出。
- prev() - 将内部指针指向数组中的上一个元素,并输出。
- reset() - 将内部指针指向数组中的第一个元素,并输出。
- each() - 返回当前元素的键名和键值,并将内部指针向前移动。
参数 | 描述 |
array | 必需。规定要使用的数组。 |
返回值: | 返回数组中的当前元素的值,如果当前元素为空或者当前元素没有值则返回 FALSE。 |
PHP 版本: | 4+ |
实例 1
$people = array("Peter", "Joe", "Glenn", "Cleveland");
echo current($people) . "<br>"; // The current element is Peter
echo next($people) . "<br>"; // The next element of Peter is Joe
echo current($people) . "<br>"; // Now the current element is Joe
echo prev($people) . "<br>"; // The previous element of Joe is Peter
echo end($people) . "<br>"; // The last element is Cleveland
echo prev($people) . "<br>"; // The previous element of Cleveland is Glenn
echo current($people) . "<br>"; // Now the current element is Glenn
echo reset($people) . "<br>"; // Moves the internal pointer to the first element of the array, which is Peter
echo next($people) . "<br>"; // The next element of Peter is Joe
print_r (each($people)); // Returns the key and value of the current element (now Joe), and moves the internal pointer forward
$people = array("Peter", "Joe", "Glenn", "Cleveland");
echo current($people) . "<br>"; // The current element is Peter
echo next($people) . "<br>"; // The next element of Peter is Joe
echo current($people) . "<br>"; // Now the current element is Joe
echo prev($people) . "<br>"; // The previous element of Joe is Peter
echo end($people) . "<br>"; // The last element is Cleveland
echo prev($people) . "<br>"; // The previous element of Cleveland is Glenn
echo current($people) . "<br>"; // Now the current element is Glenn
echo reset($people) . "<br>"; // Moves the internal pointer to the first element of the array, which is Peter
echo next($people) . "<br>"; // The next element of Peter is Joe
print_r (each($people)); // Returns the key and value of the current element (now Joe), and moves the internal pointer forward
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实用Common Lisp编程
Peter Seibel / 田春 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2011-10 / 89.00元
由塞贝尔编著的《实用Common Lisp编程》是一本不同寻常的Common Lisp入门书。《实用Common Lisp编程》首先从作者的学习经过及语言历史出发,随后用21个章节讲述了各种基础知识,主要包括:REPL及Common Lisp的各种实现、S-表达式、函数与变量、标准宏与自定义宏、数字与字符以及字符串、集合与向量、列表处理、文件与文件I/O处理、类、FORMAT格式、符号与包,等等。......一起来看看 《实用Common Lisp编程》 这本书的介绍吧!