The NSHipster Fake Book (Objective-C)

The NSHipster Fake Book (Objective-C)


Mattt Thompson / NSHipster Portland, Oregon / 2014 / USD 19.00


Fake Books are an indispensable tool for jazz musicians. They contain the melody, rhythm, and chord changes for hundreds of standards, allowing a player to jump into any session cold, and "fake it" through any tunes outside their repertoire. It's not sheet music, but rather the essence of tunes.

Cm11 B9 B♭m9 A♭13 G13 and trade fours with the tenor...

Programmers aren't all that different. Once you get the fundamentals down, it's really just about memorizing the APIs. Sure, you could read the docs, but nothing compares to the excitement of tinkering with code.

That's the idea behind The NSHipster Fake Book: expanding your repertoire through concise code samples, with minimal explanation. It's about letting concepts click as you discover new licks you'd never thought to try. Just pick it up and start playing—no matter what kind of chops you have.

In this book, you'll find over 200 code samples, ranging from the beginner and basic to the expert and obscure, across a variety of genres and use cases.

(And for those of you wondering, there are no plans for a print edition of The NSHipster Fake Book. Instead, in the tradition of the medium, feel free to print it out at home. Bonus points for Comb Binding)


Creating a Nonretained Object Value
Adding an Anonymous Observer to a Notification Center
Accessing Thread-Unsafe Objects from a Thread Dictionary
Converting a String to a Number
Converting a Number to a String
Implementing Indexed Subscripting
Implementing Keyed Subscripting
Using a Method that accepts an Error Parameter
Implementing a Method that takes an Error Parameter
Logging Class, Method, and Line Number Context
Key-Value Archiving & Unarchiving an Object
Archiving / Unarchiving an Object into NSUserDefaults
Creating a KeyPath from Selector
Adding an Item to the Keychain
Evaluating a Mathematical Expression
Decoding JSON
Encoding JSON
Getting the Name of the Device
Language & Runtime
Declaring an NS_ENUM Type
Declaring an NS_OPTIONS Type
Creating String Representations for Enumerated Type
Adding a Property to a Category
Swizzling a Method
Determining the Type of a Property
Determining the Type of a CFTypeRef
Specifying the Availability of a Method
Hiding a Class
Hiding a Method
Ignoring Compiler Warnings
Determining the Current System Memory Usage
Getting the Current OS Version
Declaring a Constant Value
Determining Whether an Object is Null
Declaring an Argument or Parameter as Unused
Creating Variadic Method
Creating a Variadic Function
Overloading Functions
Determining if ARC is Available
Conditionally Compiling for iOS & OS X Targets
Determining if Class is Available for Target Platform at Runtime
Determining if Method is Available for Target Platform at Runtime
Determining if Function is Available for Target Platform at Runtime
Adding a Class at Runtime
Adding a Method to a Class at Runtime
Getting the Subclasses and Superclasses of a Class
Requiring Method to call super
Determining the Caller of a Method
Creating Variadic Formatting Method
Intentionally Crashing the Current Process
Grand Central Dispatch
Dispatching Work Asynchronously to a Background Queue
Benchmarking the Execution Time of an operation
Monitoring Local File Changes
Creating a Singleton
Monitoring the Parent Process PID
Reading from STDIN
Monitoring Local File Changes
Dispatching a Timer
Encrypting & Decrypting Using AES-128 With PBKDF2 Key
Base64-Decoding Data
Base64-Encoding Data
Calculating MD5 Digest
Calculating SHA-1 Digest
Generating SHA-1 HMAC
Creating a Random Integer
Creating a Random Double
Creating a Random String
Creating a Random Date
Generating Random Bytes
Creating a UUID
Creating a GUID
Enumerating an Array
Enumerating a Dictionary
Creating a Mutable Copy of an Array
Creating a Mutable Copy of a Dictionary
Creating a Case-Insensitive Dictionary
Accessing Mutable Dictionary in a Thread-Safe Manner
Reversing an Array
Shuffling an Array
Creating a String from an Array
Filtering Objects in Array by Class
Computing the Sum of an Array
Removing Duplicate Objects from an Array
Linguistics & Typography
Creating a Font from TTF / OTF Data
Determining the Current Language
Looking Up the Definition of a Word
Applying Foreground Color to an Attributed String
Creating an Attributed String from HTML
Getting Characters from a Character Set
Detecting Phone Number and Address from a String
Comparing Version Numbers
Finding Proper Nouns in a String
Calculating String Entropy
Formatting Strings
Determining the Language of a String
Concatenating String Literals
Determine if a String Contains Punctuation
Splitting a String into an Array
Determining if a String Contains a Particular Substring
Tokenizing a String
Squashing Whitespace in a String
Stripping Whitespace from a String
Getting the Small Caps Variant of a Font
Responding to Changes in a Text Field
Determining if a String is Empty
Determining if an Array is Empty
Determining if a Dictionary is Empty
Date & Time
Extracting Components from a Date
Creating a Date from Components
Performing Calendar Arithmetic
Parsing & Formatting an ISO 8601 timestamp
Parsing & Formatting an RFC 3339 Timestamp
Determining if Device is Set for 24 Hour Time
Finding Application Support Directory
Finding Caches Directory
Listing all files in a directory
Creating a Directory
Recursively Enumerating all files in a directory
Finding Documents Directory
Finding Downloads Directory
Determining the Creation Date of a File
Deleting a File
Determining if a File Exists
Finding Library Directory
Writing a String to Disk
Sorting Files by Filename
Setting Extended File Attributes
Getting Directions Between Two Locations
Formatting a Localized Distance String
Searching for a Geographic Location
Creating Map Snapshots of Waypoints
Rendering Annotations on a Map View
Fitting a Map View to Annotations
Rendering Overlays on an MKMapView
Localizing Address Format of a Placemark
Describing a Placemark for a Coordinate Region
Creating a Custom Map Tile Overlay
Converting Degrees to Radians
Converting Radians to Degrees
Convert Radians to CLLocationDirection
Animating a CAGradientLayer
Splitting a CGRect
Ensuring that a CGRect is not on a Pixel Boundary
Generating a QR Code
Reading a QR Code
Creating an Image for a Swatch of Color
Cropping an Image to Face
Detecting a Face in an Image
Resizing an Image
Converting an Image to Data
Determining the File Type of Image
Applying a CIFilter on an Image
Rounding Corners of a View
Getting Color RGB Components
Lightening / Darkening a Color
Creating a Color from Hexadecimal String
Inverting a Color
Making a Request with CFNetwork
Creating a Bound NSStream Pair
Constructing an HTTP User-Agent
Determining the MIME Type for a File Extension
Setting HTTP Headers for a URL Request
Escaping URLs
Building a URL relative to a Base URL
Setting the Shared URL Cache
Making Asynchronous Network Request with NSURLConnection
Making Synchronous Network Request with NSURLConnection
Making Asynchronous Network Request with NSURLSession
Getting List of Network Interfaces
Monitoring Network Reachability
Validating an SSL Certificate
Adding a URL to the Safari Reading List
Determining the Current Device Model
Forcing Screen Orientation
Making a Device Vibrate
Implementing UITableViewDataSource
Implementing UITableViewDelegate
Using iOS 6 Styles for Standard Controls in iOS 7 App
Creating a Snapshot of a View
Determining if UIViewController is Visible
Removing Bounce from UIWebView
Removing Drop Shadow from UIWebView
Preventing Links from Being Tapped in UIWebView





UNIX 时间戳转换

UNIX 时间戳转换

UNIX 时间戳转换



RGB HSV 互转工具