A Byte of Python

A Byte of Python


Swaroop C H / Lulu Marketplace / 2008-10-1 / USD 27.98


'A Byte of Python' is a book on programming using the Python language. It serves as a tutorial or guide to the Python language for a beginner audience. If all you know about computers is how to save text files, then this is the book for you.


Swaroop C H is 27 years of age. He is currently a Product Leader at Infibeam, one of the largest ecommerce companies in India. He has previously worked at Yahoo!, Adobe and his own startup.


Table of Contents
1. Welcome
2. Dedication
3. Preface
4. Introduction
5. Installation
6. First Steps
7. Basics
8. Operators and Expressions
9. Control Flow
10. Functions
11. Modules
12. Data Structures
13. Problem Solving
14. Object Oriented Programming
15. Input and Output
16. Exceptions
17. Standard Library
18. More
19. What Next
20. Appendix: FLOSS
21. Appendix: Colophon
22. Appendix: History Lesson
23. Appendix: Revision History
24. Translations
25. Translation Howto


JSON 在线解析

JSON 在线解析

在线 JSON 格式化工具

MD5 加密

MD5 加密

MD5 加密工具


