High Performance Python

High Performance Python


Andrew Lewis / O'Reilly Media, Inc. / 2010-09-15 / USD 34.99


Chapter 1. Introduction

Section 1.1. The High Performance Buzz-word

Chapter 2. The Theory of Computation

Section 2.1. Introduction

Section 2.2. Problems

Section 2.3. Models of Computation

Chapter 3. Algorithms

Section 3.1. Introduction

Section 3.2. Anatomy of an Algorithm

Section 3.3. Introducing Big O Notation

Section 3.4. Recurrence Relations

Section 3.5. P, NP, and Completeness

Section 3.6. Hall of Fame

Chapter 4. Rules of Optimization

Section 4.1. Rule #1: Plan Ahead

Chapter 5. Optimization for Speed

Section 5.1. Think like a Cheat

Section 5.2. Use Psyco

Section 5.3. Check Your Loops

Section 5.4. Anthony Tuininga's cx_Freeze

Section 5.5. Wait for Moore's Law to Catch Up

Section 5.6. Limit Regular Expressions


JS 压缩/解压工具

JS 压缩/解压工具

在线压缩/解压 JS 代码


