Parsing Techniques

Parsing Techniques


Dick Grune、Ceriel J.H. Jacobs / Springer / 2010-2-12 / USD 109.00


This second edition of Grune and Jacobs' brilliant work presents new developments and discoveries that have been made in the field. Parsing, also referred to as syntax analysis, has been and continues to be an essential part of computer science and linguistics. Parsing techniques have grown considerably in importance, both in computer science, ie. advanced compilers often use general CF parsers, and computational linguistics where such parsers are the only option. They are used in a variety of software products including Web browsers, interpreters in computer devices, and data compression programs; and they are used extensively in linguistics.


CSS 压缩/解压工具

CSS 压缩/解压工具

在线压缩/解压 CSS 代码

JSON 在线解析

JSON 在线解析

在线 JSON 格式化工具


