Web Form Design

Web Form Design


Luke Wroblewski / Rosenfeld Media / 2008-5-2 / GBP 25.00


Forms make or break the most crucial online interactions: checkout, registration, and any task requiring information entry. In Web Form Design, Luke Wroblewski draws on original research, his considerable experience at Yahoo! and eBay, and the perspectives of many of the field's leading designers to show you everything you need to know about designing effective and engaging web forms.


Luke Wroblewski:一切都始于大学一年级。那时候,我下午上艺术课,深夜“猫”在机房写代码,完成计算机作业。

从那时起,我就萌发了平衡表单与功能的想法。抱着这种想法,我去了国家超级计算机应用中心(National Center for Supercomputing Application,NCSA)工作,那里诞生了第一代大众图形界面的网络浏览器NCSA Mosaic。互联网通过设计和技术产生用户体验。我那时满脑子想的都这些。


CSS 压缩/解压工具

CSS 压缩/解压工具

在线压缩/解压 CSS 代码

Base64 编码/解码

Base64 编码/解码

Base64 编码/解码

HEX HSV 转换工具

HEX HSV 转换工具

HEX HSV 互换工具