The Mechanics of Web Handling

The Mechanics of Web Handling


David R. Roisum


This unique book covers many aspects of web handling for manufacturing, converting, and

printing. The book is applicable to any web including paper, film, foil, nonwovens, and

textiles. The Mechanics of Web Handling is designed for product, process, and

maintenance engineers responsible for web machinery. Through this valuable text, readers

will better understand how to design and operate machinery to avoid wrinkles, web breaks,

registration, guiding, and other types of costly web problems.

Fourteen chapters cover the following topics:

l Introduction to Web Handling

l Material Mechanics

l Dimension Control

l Tension and Tension Control

l Downweb Tension Variations

l Crossweb Tension Variations

l Temporal Tension Variations

l Guiding

l Nips

l Slitting

l Spreading

l Winding

l Wrinkling

l Web Breaks




RGB HEX 互转工具

XML 在线格式化

XML 在线格式化

在线 XML 格式化压缩工具