


Kristina Chodorow、Michael Dirolf / O'Reilly Media / 2010-9-24 / USD 39.99


Discover how MongoDB can help you manage a huMONGOus amount of data collected through your web application. This book covers the basic principles and advanced uses of this document-oriented database, and demonstrates why MongoDB is one of the fastest-growing databases.

Learn how MongoDB handles data as self-contained JSON-style documents, rather than as records in different relational database tables -- and why MongoDB is scalable, high-performance, and reliable. This authoritative introduction, written by two software engineers from the company that develops this open-source database, offers guidance for programmers and advanced configuration for system administrators. The opening chapters about concepts and use cases are ideal for others on the project.

* Explore the power and flexibility of document-oriented storage

* Learn to create, update, and delete documents in MongoDB

* Perform dynamic queries to find data with any criteria

* Learn advanced query techniques with aggregation tools and server-side scripting

* Get up to speed on security and authentication, backup and repair, and more

* Learn advanced configuration, such as replication and sharding

* Discover how to use MongoDB functions through real-world examples





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