Introduction to Programming in Java

Introduction to Programming in Java


Robert Sedgewick、Kevin Wayne / Addison-Wesley / 2007-7-27 / USD 89.00


By emphasizing the application of computer programming not only in success stories in the software industry but also in familiar scenarios in physical and biological science, engineering, and applied mathematics, Introduction to Programming in Java takes an interdisciplinary approach to teaching programmingwith theJava ™ programming language.

Elements of Programming: Your First Program; Built-in Types of Data; Conditionals and Loops; Arrays; Input and Output. Functions and Modules: Static Methods; Libraries and Clients; Recursion. Object-Oriented Programming : Data Types; Creating Data Types; Designing Data Types. Algorithms and Data Structures: Performance; Sorting and Searching; Stacks and Queues; Symbol Tables.

For all readers interested in introductory programming courses using theJava programming language.


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