


赵端阳//袁鹤 / 电子工业 / 2010-7 / 39.00元





第一章 基础编程题 ZJU1086-Octal Fractions ZJU1089-Lotto ZJU1090-The Circumference of the Circle ZJU1095-Humble Numbers ZJU1099-HTML ZJU1105-FatMouse s Tour ZJU1115-Digital Roots ZJU1122-Clock ZJU1139-Rectangles ZJU1151-Word Reversal ZJU1152-A Mathematical Curiosity ZJU1154-Niven Numbers第二章 模拟算法题 ZJU1088-System Overload ZJU1098-Simple Computers ZJU1121-Reserve Bookshelf ZJU1143-Date Bugs ZJU1144-Robbery ZJU1146-LC-Display ZJU1153-Tournament Seeding ZJU1160-Biorhythms第三章 字符串处理题 ZJU1109-Language of FatMouse ZJU1111-Poker Hands ZJU1116-A Well-Formed Problem ZJU1126-Bio-Informatics ZJU1159-487-3279第四章 基本数据结构题 ZJU1094-Matrix Chain Multiplication ZJU1097-Code the Tree ZJU1156-Unscrambling Images第五章 搜索算法题 ZJU1084- Channel Allocation ZJU1085-Alien Security ZJU1091-Knight Moves ZJU1101-Gamblers ZJU1103-Hike on a Graph ZJU1129-Erdos Numbers ZJU1136-Multiple ZJU1142-Maze ZJU1148-The Game第六章 动态规划算法题 ZJU1093-Monkey and Banana ZJU1100-Mondriaan s Dream ZJU1102-Phylogenetic Trees Inherited ZJU1107-FatMouse and Cheese ZJU1108-FatMouse s Speed ZJU1132-Railroad ZJU1147-Formatting Text ZJU1149-Dividing第七章 回溯算法题 ZJU1145-Dreisam Equations ZJU1157-A Plug for UNIX第八章 图论算法题 ZJU1082-Stockbroker Grapevine ZJU1083-Frame Stacking ZJU1092-Arbitrage ZJU1117-Entropy ZJU1118-N-Credible Mazes ZJU1119-SPF ZJU1127-Roman Forts ZJU1130-Ouroboros Snake ZJU1134-Strategic Game ZJU1137-Girls and Boys ZJU1140-Courses ZJU1141-Closest Common Ancestors[] ZJU1150-S-Trees第九章 几何和数学题 ZJU1081-Points Within ZJU1096-Subway ZJU1104-Leaps Tall Buildings ZJU1110-Dick and Jane ZJU1112-Equidistance ZJU1114-Problem Bee ZJU1123-Triangle Encapsulation ZJU1125-Floating Point Numbers ZJU1128-Atlantis ZJU1133-Smith Numbers ZJU1158-Treasure Hunt索引参考文献


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