Introduction to Linear Optimization

Introduction to Linear Optimization


Dimitris Bertsimas、John N. Tsitsiklis / Athena Scientific / 1997-02-01 / USD 89.00


"The true merit of this book, however, lies in its pedagogical qualities which are so impressive..." "Throughout the book, the authors make serious efforts to give geometric and intuitive explanations of various algebraic concepts, and they are widely successful in this effort." "In conclusion, this is an outstanding textbook that presents linear optimization in a truly modern and up-to-date light. One reading of this book is sufficient to appreciate the tremendous amount of quality effort that the authors have put into the writing, and I strongly recommend it to all teachers, researchers and practitioners of mathematical programming." --Motakuri Ramana in Optima, Issue 54

Bertsimas and Tsitsiklis have written a comprehensive treatise, offering an easy-to-understand presentation of linear programming and related topics, including network-flow programming and discrete optimization. --Jonathan Bard in Interfaces, Issue 30(4), July 2000


The authors are Professors at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


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