
栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 5年前

内容简介:【编者的话】公司目前的数据存储,有用到clickhouse这一块,本人也有些研究,简单写一篇ck的入门文章(基于docker容器化搭建ck示例),权当抛转,欢迎一起讨论,沟通。- ClickHouse 诞生于俄罗斯最大的搜索公司Yandex,在clickhouse的配置文件中我们也会看到yandex的影子。Tips: Yandex is one of the largest internet companies in Europe; operating Russia’s most popular searc

【编者的话】公司目前的数据存储,有用到clickhouse这一块,本人也有些研究,简单写一篇ck的入门文章(基于 docker 容器化搭建ck示例),权当抛转,欢迎一起讨论,沟通。

What is ClickHouse

- ClickHouse 诞生于俄罗斯最大的搜索公司Yandex,在clickhouse的配置文件中我们也会看到yandex的影子。

Tips: Yandex is one of the largest internet companies in Europe; operating Russia’s most popular search engine.

- ClickHouse 是面向联机分析处理(OLAP, On-Line Analytical Processing) 的分布式列式数据库管理系统(DBMS),在数据分析中能提供高性能的查询服务。

- ClickHouse 是一个完全面向列式的分布式数据库。数据通过列存储,在查询过程中,数据通过数组来处理(向量或者列Chunk)。



- ClickHouse主要使用向量化查询执行和有限的运行时代码生成支持。

- ClickHouse 官方简称“CK”,艺名“喀秋莎数据库”。战斗民族还有一个神器叫“AK”(如果非要加个代号的话就是AK 47),可以说是枪类中的绝对明星了。脑补了一下(图片见文末):喀秋莎拿着一把AK47,在一个叫clickhouse的屋子里大杀四方~~~快哉!快哉!

- 其他自行查阅吧:

- - ClickHouse官方文档

- - ClickHouse入门指北

- - ClickHouse源码


1、docker 安装方式介绍(docker没玩过的同学,请自行百度!)

- 写dockerfile文件(dockerfile文件没写过的同学,请自行百度!)


[root@wangjie clickhouse]# vim dockerfile

FROM ubuntu:18.04

ARG repository="deb http://repo.yandex.ru/clickhouse/deb/stable/ main/"

ARG version=19.1.10

ARG gosu_ver=1.10

RUN apt-get update \

&& apt-get install --yes --no-install-recommends \

apt-transport-https \

dirmngr \

gnupg \

&& mkdir -p /etc/apt/sources.list.d \

&& apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv E0C56BD4 \

&& echo $repository > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/clickhouse.list \

&& apt-get update \

&& env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \

apt-get install --allow-unauthenticated --yes --no-install-recommends \

clickhouse-common-static=$version \

clickhouse-client=$version \

clickhouse-server=$version \

libgcc-7-dev \

locales \

tzdata \

wget \

&& rm -rf \

/var/lib/apt/lists/* \

/var/cache/debconf \

/tmp/* \

&& apt-get clean

ADD https://github.com/tianon/gosu/releases/download/1.10/gosu-amd64 /bin/gosu

RUN locale-gen en_US.UTF-8




RUN mkdir /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d

COPY docker_related_config.xml /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/

COPY entrypoint.sh /entrypoint.sh

RUN chmod +x \

/entrypoint.sh \


EXPOSE 9000 8123 9009

VOLUME /var/lib/clickhouse

ENV CLICKHOUSE_CONFIG /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml

ENTRYPOINT ["/entrypoint.sh"]

- 构建clickhouse镜像(时间可能会久一点,如果出错,可能会更久–因为需要反复构建多次–不过这一切都是值得的,当你有了自己的镜像,你就可以any zuo,no die!)

[root@wangjie clickhouse]# docker build -t clickhouse-server-demo:1.0 .

Sending build context to Docker daemon  3.072kB

Step 1/18 : FROM ubuntu:18.04

18.04: Pulling from library/ubuntu

6cf436f81810: Pull complete

987088a85b96: Pull complete

b4624b3efe06: Pull complete

d42beb8ded59: Pull complete


The following additional packages will be installed:

gnupg-l10n gnupg-utils gpg gpg-agent gpg-wks-client gpg-wks-server gpgconf

gpgsm libasn1-8-heimdal libassuan0 libgssapi3-heimdal libhcrypto4-heimdal

libheimbase1-heimdal libheimntlm0-heimdal libhx509-5-heimdal

libkrb5-26-heimdal libksba8 libldap-2.4-2 libldap-common libnpth0

libreadline7 libroken18-heimdal libsasl2-2 libsasl2-modules-db libsqlite3-0

libwind0-heimdal pinentry-curses readline-common

Suggested packages:

dbus-user-session libpam-systemd pinentry-gnome3 tor parcimonie xloadimage

scdaemon pinentry-doc readline-doc

Recommended packages:


The following NEW packages will be installed:

apt-transport-https dirmngr gnupg gnupg-l10n gnupg-utils gpg gpg-agent

gpg-wks-client gpg-wks-server gpgconf gpgsm libasn1-8-heimdal libassuan0

libgssapi3-heimdal libhcrypto4-heimdal libheimbase1-heimdal

libheimntlm0-heimdal libhx509-5-heimdal libkrb5-26-heimdal libksba8

libldap-2.4-2 libldap-common libnpth0 libreadline7 libroken18-heimdal

libsasl2-2 libsasl2-modules-db libsqlite3-0 libwind0-heimdal pinentry-curses


0 upgraded, 31 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.


The following additional packages will be installed:

gcc-7-base libasan4 libatomic1 libcilkrts5 libgomp1 libitm1 liblsan0 libmpx2

libpsl5 libquadmath0 libssl1.1 libtsan0 libubsan0

Recommended packages:

libcap2-bin libc6-dev publicsuffix ca-certificates

The following NEW packages will be installed:

clickhouse-client clickhouse-common-static clickhouse-server gcc-7-base

libasan4 libatomic1 libcilkrts5 libgcc-7-dev libgomp1 libitm1 liblsan0

libmpx2 libpsl5 libquadmath0 libssl1.1 libtsan0 libubsan0 locales tzdata


0 upgraded, 20 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.


urrent default time zone: 'Etc/UTC'

Local time is now:      Wed Mar  6 08:51:38 UTC 2019.

Universal Time is now:  Wed Mar  6 08:51:38 UTC 2019.


Warning: apt-key output should not be parsed (stdout is not a terminal)

Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.QG893kLkNP/gpg.1.sh --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv E0C56BD4

gpg: keyserver receive failed: Server indicated a failure

The command '/bin/sh -c apt-get update     && apt-get install --yes --no-install-recommends         apt-transport-https         dirmngr         gnupg     && mkdir -p /etc/apt/sources.list.d     && apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv E0C56BD4     && echo $repository > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/clickhouse.list     && apt-get update     && env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive         apt-get install --allow-unauthenticated --yes --no-install-recommends             clickhouse-common-static=$version             clickhouse-client=$version             clickhouse-server=$version             libgcc-7-dev             locales             tzdata             wget     && rm -rf         /var/lib/apt/lists/*         /var/cache/debconf         /tmp/*     && apt-get clean' returned a non-zero code: 2

您在 /var/spool/mail/root 中有邮件

- 比如1:如上报错---怎么解决?

[root@wangjie clickhouse]# docker images

REPOSITORY                         TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE

<none>                             <none>              5b07a3f2033d        17 minutes ago      88.1MB

ubuntu                             18.04               47b19964fb50        4 weeks ago         88.1MB


[root@wangjie clickhouse]# docker run -it 5b07a3f2033d /bin/bash

root@186ew89a3lk8:/# 这里可以从出错的command(详见上面dockerfile文件命令菜单)开始执行check报错的原因并解决之


[root@wangjie clickhouse]# docker ps -a  查出刚刚的容器id

[root@wangjie clickhouse]# docker rm 容器id

[root@wangjie clickhouse]# docker rmi 5b07a3f2033d  删除半成品镜像


Step 12/18 : COPY docker_related_config.xml /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/

COPY failed: stat /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-builder800178589/docker_related_config.xml: no such file or directory

- 比如2:如上报错---怎么解决?

[root@wangjie clickhouse]# docker images

REPOSITORY                         TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE

<none>                             <none>              300535bbbf56        4 minutes ago       474MB

ubuntu                             18.04               47b19964fb50        4 weeks ago         88.1MB


[root@wangjie clickhouse]# docker run -it 300535bbbf56 /bin/bash

root@271df44d0fa9:/# 这里可以从出错的command(详见上面dockerfile文件命令菜单)开始执行check报错的原因并解决之

即COPY docker_related_config.xml /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/

发现其实根源是没有docker_related_config.xml文件,所以要在本地新增这个文件,但是内容是啥呢?(用docker pull 镜像--后面有提到pull镜像的方式,然后run出容器cat相应文件即可)


[root@wangjie clickhouse]# docker run -it 76f15457b167 /bin/bash   任意new一个容器并进入

root@b1d85472110e:/# cat /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/docker_related_config.xml   进入容器后查看文件内容后,复制出来即可

[root@wangjie clickhouse]#  vim  docker_related_config.xml


<!-- Listen wildcard address to allow accepting connections from other containers and host network. -->










[root@wangjie clickhouse]# ll

总用量 8

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1432 3月   6 15:10 dockerfile

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  315 3月   6 16:37 docker_related_config.xml


Step 13/18 : COPY entrypoint.sh /entrypoint.sh

COPY failed: stat /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-builder219246264/entrypoint.sh: no such file or directory

- 可以看到还是报错,所以同上新增之即可,但是entrypoint.sh内容是啥呢?


[root@wangjie clickhouse]# docker run -it 76f15457b167 /bin/bash   任意new一个容器并进入

root@b1d85472110e:/# cat /entrypoint.sh   进入容器后查看文件内容后,复制出来即可

COPY entrypoint.sh /entrypoint.sh

[root@wangjie clickhouse]#  vim entrypoint.sh


set some vars


USER="$(id -u clickhouse)"

GROUP="$(id -g clickhouse)"

port is needed to check if clickhouse-server is ready for connections

HTTP_PORT="$(clickhouse extract-from-config --config-file $CLICKHOUSE_CONFIG --key=http_port)"

get CH directories locations

DATA_DIR="$(clickhouse extract-from-config --config-file $CLICKHOUSE_CONFIG --key=path || true)"

TMP_DIR="$(clickhouse extract-from-config --config-file $CLICKHOUSE_CONFIG --key=tmp_path || true)"

USER_PATH="$(clickhouse extract-from-config --config-file $CLICKHOUSE_CONFIG --key=user_files_path || true)"

LOG_PATH="$(clickhouse extract-from-config --config-file $CLICKHOUSE_CONFIG --key=logger.log || true)"

LOG_DIR="$(dirname $LOG_PATH || true)"

ERROR_LOG_PATH="$(clickhouse extract-from-config --config-file $CLICKHOUSE_CONFIG --key=logger.errorlog || true)"

ERROR_LOG_DIR="$(dirname $ERROR_LOG_PATH || true)"

FORMAT_SCHEMA_PATH="$(clickhouse extract-from-config --config-file $CLICKHOUSE_CONFIG --key=format_schema_path || true)"

ensure directories exist

mkdir -p \



"$LOG_DIR" \

"$TMP_DIR" \



if [ "$CLICKHOUSE_DO_NOT_CHOWN" != "1" ]; then

# ensure proper directories permissions

chown -R $USER:$GROUP \



"$LOG_DIR" \

"$TMP_DIR" \




if [ -n "$(ls /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/)" ]; then

gosu clickhouse /usr/bin/clickhouse-server --config-file=$CLICKHOUSE_CONFIG &


# check if clickhouse is ready to accept connections

# will try to send ping clickhouse via http_port (max 12 retries, with 1 sec delay)

if ! wget --spider --quiet --tries=12 --waitretry=1 --retry-connrefused "http://localhost:$HTTP_PORT/ping" ; then

echo >&2 'ClickHouse init process failed.'

exit 1


clickhouseclient=( clickhouse-client --multiquery )


for f in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/*; do

case "$f" in


if [ -x "$f" ]; then

echo "$0: running $f"



echo "$0: sourcing $f"

. "$f"



*.sql)    echo "$0: running $f"; cat "$f" | "${clickhouseclient[@]}" ; echo ;;

*.sql.gz) echo "$0: running $f"; gunzip -c "$f" | "${clickhouseclient[@]}"; echo ;;

*)        echo "$0: ignoring $f" ;;




if ! kill -s TERM "$pid" || ! wait "$pid"; then

echo >&2 'Finishing of ClickHouse init process failed.'

exit 1



if no args passed to docker run or first argument start with -- , then the user is passing clickhouse-server arguments

if [[ $# -lt 1 ]] || [[ "$1" == "--"* ]]; then

exec gosu clickhouse /usr/bin/clickhouse-server --config-file=$CLICKHOUSE_CONFIG "$@"


Otherwise, we assume the user want to run his own process, for example a bash shell to explore this image

exec "$@"

[root@wangjie clickhouse]# ll

总用量 12

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1432 3月   6 15:10 dockerfile

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  315 3月   6 16:37 docker_related_config.xml

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3189 3月   6 17:03 entrypoint.sh


[root@wangjie clickhouse]# docker rmi 半成品镜像id


[root@wangjie clickhouse]# docker build -t clickhouse-server-demo:1.0 .

...(循环上面的操作, 直到不报错为止)...

Successfully built 7e0487ee8225

Successfully tagged clickhouse-server-demo:1.0

您在 /var/spool/mail/root 中有邮件


其实,简单的构建镜像的方法是docker pull 镜像即可。如何获取自己需要的镜像?看 这里

- 先来pull clickhouse-server

[root@wangjie clickhouse]# docker pull yandex/clickhouse-server



[root@wangjie clickhouse]# docker images |grep click

yandex/clickhouse-server           latest              76f15457b167        2 days ago          475MB

- 再来pull clickhouse-client

[root@wangjie clickhouse]# docker pull yandex/clickhouse-client


[root@wangjie clickhouse]# docker images |grep click

[root@wangjie clickhouse]# docker images | grep click

yandex/clickhouse-server           latest              76f15457b167        2 days ago          475MB

yandex/clickhouse-client           latest              52a6b316725a        13 days ago         450MB



[root@wangjie clickhouse]# docker run -it --rm --link demo-clickhouse-server:clickhouse-server_wj yandex/clickhouse-client --host clickhouse-server_wj (运行完就直接进入到clickhouse的交互式了)

上面的命令简单说明一下,--link 即将被连接的服务端容器名软链为clickhouse-server_wj(自定义即可),后面--host 用的就是这个软链名字

ClickHouse client version 19.1.9.

Connecting to clickhouse-server:9000.

Connected to ClickHouse server version 19.1.10 revision 54413.

38f0f69b5941 :)

38f0f69b5941 :) exit



重新执行docker run -it --rm --link demo-clickhouse-server:clickhouse-server_wj yandex/clickhouse-client --host clickhouse-server_wj 这个命令即可。


接上面38f0f69b5941 :) show databases;



│ default │

│ system  │


2 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.013 sec.

38f0f69b5941 :) use system

USE system


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.006 sec.

38f0f69b5941 :) show tables;



│ aggregate_function_combinators │

│ asynchronous_metrics           │

│ build_options                  │

│ clusters                       │

│ collations                     │

│ columns                        │

│ contributors                   │

│ data_type_families             │

│ databases                      │

│ dictionaries                   │

│ events                         │

│ formats                        │

│ functions                      │

│ graphite_retentions            │

│ macros                         │

│ merge_tree_settings            │

│ merges                         │

│ metrics                        │

│ models                         │

│ mutations                      │

│ numbers                        │

│ numbers_mt                     │

│ one                            │

│ parts                          │

│ parts_columns                  │

│ processes                      │

│ replicas                       │

│ replication_queue              │

│ settings                       │

│ table_engines                  │

│ table_functions                │

│ tables                         │


32 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.009 sec.

38f0f69b5941 :)



2、docker-compose 安装方式介绍

- 通过1中的操作,你基本可以开始学习clickhouse的使用了,而且你也简单了解了clickhouse-server端和 clickhouse-client端(类似于mysql)

- 下面介绍稍微高级点的docker-compose 安装方式,同时把1中没说的clickhouse配置文件说明一下。

- 我们重新建一个目录来玩compose

- - 新建一个目录和相关文件

[root@wangjie clickhouse_compose]# cd clickhouse_server/

[root@wangjie clickhouse_server]# touch config.xml

[root@wangjie clickhouse_server]# mkdir data

[root@wangjie clickhouse_server]# mkdir log

[root@wangjie clickhouse_server]# touch users.xml

[root@wangjie clickhouse_server]# mv user.xml users.xml

[root@wangjie clickhouse_server]# touch log/clickhouse-server.log

[root@wangjie clickhouse_server]# touch log/clickhouse-server.err.log

[root@wangjie clickhouse_server]# touch docker-compose.yml

- - 最终的结构类似这种

[root@wangjie clickhouse_server]# tree .


├── config.xml

├── data

├── docker-compose.yml

├── log

│   ├── clickhouse-server.err.log

│   └── clickhouse-server.log

└── users.xml

- - 然后填充相关文件的内容,先写config.xml文件

[root@wangjie clickhouse_server]# vim config.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>









<http_port>8123</http_port>   <!-- 通过url访问clickhouse的端口号 -->

<tcp_port>9000</tcp_port>     <!-- 通过tcp访问clickhouse的端口号 -->

<!-- For HTTPS and SSL over native protocol. -->





<!-- Used with https_port and tcp_ssl_port. Full ssl options list: https://github.com/yandex/ClickHouse/blob/master/contrib/libpoco/NetSSL_OpenSSL/include/Poco/Net/SSLManager.h#L71 -->


    <server> <!-- Used for https server AND secure tcp port -->

        <!-- openssl req -subj "/CN=localhost" -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout /etc/clickhouse-server/server.key -out /etc/clickhouse-server/server.crt -->



        <!-- openssl dhparam -out /etc/clickhouse-server/dhparam.pem 4096 -->








    <client> <!-- Used for connecting to https dictionary source -->





        <!-- Use for self-signed: <verificationMode>none</verificationMode> -->


            <!-- Use for self-signed: <name>AcceptCertificateHandler</name> -->





<!-- Default root page on http[s] server. For example load UI from https://tabix.io/ when opening http://localhost:8123 -->


<http_server_default_response><![CDATA[<html ng-app="SMI2"><head><base href="http://ui.tabix.io/"></head><body><div ui-view=""></div><script src="http://loader.tabix.io/master.js"></script></body></html>]]></http_server_default_response>


<!-- Port for communication between replicas. Used for data exchange. -->


<!-- Hostname that is used by other replicas to request this server.

     If not specified, than it is determined analoguous to 'hostname -f' command.

     This setting could be used to switch replication to another network interface.





<!-- Listen specified host. use :: (wildcard IPv6 address), if you want to accept connections both with IPv4 and IPv6 from everywhere. -->

<!-- <listen_host>::</listen_host> -->     # 这个被注释了,那么就无法远程连接了,如果想要远程连接,那么取消注释即可

<!-- Same for hosts with disabled ipv6: -->

<!-- <listen_host></listen_host> -->

<!-- Default values - try listen localhost on ipv4 and ipv6: -->







<!-- Maximum number of concurrent queries. -->


<!-- Set limit on number of open files (default: maximum). This setting makes sense on Mac OS X because getrlimit() fails to retrieve

     correct maximum value. -->

<!-- <max_open_files>262144</max_open_files> -->

<!-- Size of cache of uncompressed blocks of data, used in tables of MergeTree family.

     In bytes. Cache is single for server. Memory is allocated only on demand.

     Cache is used when 'use_uncompressed_cache' user setting turned on (off by default).

     Uncompressed cache is advantageous only for very short queries and in rare cases.



<!-- Approximate size of mark cache, used in tables of MergeTree family.

     In bytes. Cache is single for server. Memory is allocated only on demand.

     You should not lower this value.



<!-- Path to data directory, with trailing slash. -->


<!-- Path to temporary data for processing hard queries. -->


<!-- Path to configuration file with users, access rights, profiles of settings, quotas. -->


<!-- <users>



        <networks incl="networks" replace="replace">








        <networks incl="networks" replace="replace">






</users> -->

<!-- Default profile of settings.. -->


<!-- Default database. -->


<!-- Server time zone could be set here.

     Time zone is used when converting between String and DateTime types,

      when printing DateTime in text formats and parsing DateTime from text,

      it is used in date and time related functions, if specific time zone was not passed as an argument.

     Time zone is specified as identifier from IANA time zone database, like UTC or Africa/Abidjan.

     If not specified, system time zone at server startup is used.

     Please note, that server could display time zone alias instead of specified name.

     Example: W-SU is an alias for Europe/Moscow and Zulu is an alias for UTC.


<!-- <timezone>Europe/Moscow</timezone> -->

<!-- You can specify umask here (see "man umask"). Server will apply it on startup.

     Number is always parsed as octal. Default umask is 027 (other users cannot read logs, data files, etc; group can only read).


<!-- <umask>022</umask> -->

<!-- Configuration of clusters that could be used in Distributed tables.



<remote_servers incl="clickhouse_remote_servers" >

    <!-- Test only shard config for testing distributed storage -->










<!-- If element has 'incl' attribute, then for it's value will be used corresponding substitution from another file.

     By default, path to file with substitutions is /etc/metrika.xml. It could be changed in config in 'include_from' element.

     Values for substitutions are specified in /yandex/name_of_substitution elements in that file.


<!-- ZooKeeper is used to store metadata about replicas, when using Replicated tables.

     Optional. If you don't use replicated tables, you could omit that.

     See https://clickhouse.yandex/reference_en.html#Data%20replication


<zookeeper incl="zookeeper-servers" optional="true" />

<!-- Substitutions for parameters of replicated tables.

      Optional. If you don't use replicated tables, you could omit that.

     See https://clickhouse.yandex/reference_en.html#Creating%20replicated%20tables


<macros incl="macros" optional="true" />

<!-- Reloading interval for embedded dictionaries, in seconds. Default: 3600. -->


<!-- Maximum session timeout, in seconds. Default: 3600. -->


<!-- Default session timeout, in seconds. Default: 60. -->


<!-- Sending data to Graphite for monitoring. Several sections can be defined. -->


    interval - send every X second

    root_path - prefix for keys

    hostname_in_path - append hostname to root_path (default = true)

    metrics - send data from table system.metrics

    events - send data from table system.events

    asynchronous_metrics - send data from table system.asynchronous_metrics

























<!-- Query log. Used only for queries with setting log_queries = 1. -->


    <!-- What table to insert data. If table is not exist, it will be created.

         When query log structure is changed after system update,

          then old table will be renamed and new table will be created automatically.




    <!-- Interval of flushing data. -->



<!-- Uncomment if use part_log







<!-- Parameters for embedded dictionaries, used in Yandex.Metrica.

     See https://clickhouse.yandex/reference_en.html#Internal%20dictionaries


<!-- Path to file with region hierarchy. -->

<!-- <path_to_regions_hierarchy_file>/opt/geo/regions_hierarchy.txt</path_to_regions_hierarchy_file> -->

<!-- Path to directory with files containing names of regions -->

<!-- <path_to_regions_names_files>/opt/geo/</path_to_regions_names_files> -->

<!-- Configuration of external dictionaries. See:




<!-- Uncomment if you want data to be compressed 30-100% better.

     Don't do that if you just started using ClickHouse.


<compression incl="clickhouse_compression">


    <!- - Set of variants. Checked in order. Last matching case wins. If nothing matches, lz4 will be used. - ->


        <!- - Conditions. All must be satisfied. Some conditions may be omitted. - ->

        <min_part_size>10000000000</min_part_size>        <!- - Min part size in bytes. - ->

        <min_part_size_ratio>0.01</min_part_size_ratio>   <!- - Min size of part relative to whole table size. - ->

        <!- - What compression method to use. - ->





<!-- Allow to execute distributed DDL queries (CREATE, DROP, ALTER, RENAME) on cluster.

     Works only if ZooKeeper is enabled. Comment it if such functionality isn't required. -->


    <!-- Path in ZooKeeper to queue with DDL queries -->



<!-- Settings to fine tune MergeTree tables. See documentation in source code, in MergeTreeSettings.h -->






<!-- Protection from accidental DROP.

     If size of a MergeTree table is greater than max_table_size_to_drop (in bytes) than table could not be dropped with any DROP query.

     If you want do delete one table and don't want to restart clickhouse-server, you could create special file <clickhouse-path>/flags/force_drop_table and make DROP once.

     By default max_table_size_to_drop is 50GB, max_table_size_to_drop=0 allows to DROP any tables.

     Uncomment to disable protection.


<!-- <max_table_size_to_drop>0</max_table_size_to_drop> -->

<!-- Example of parameters for GraphiteMergeTree table engine -->






























<!-- Directory in <clickhouse-path> containing schema files for various input formats.

     The directory will be created if it doesn't exist.




- - 写users.xml

[root@wangjie clickhouse_server]# vim users.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>


<!-- Profiles of settings. -->


    <!-- Default settings. -->


        <!-- Maximum memory usage for processing single query, in bytes. -->


        <!-- Use cache of uncompressed blocks of data. Meaningful only for processing many of very short queries. -->


        <!-- How to choose between replicas during distributed query processing.

             random - choose random replica from set of replicas with minimum number of errors

             nearest_hostname - from set of replicas with minimum number of errors, choose replica

              with minumum number of different symbols between replica's hostname and local hostname

              (Hamming distance).

             in_order - first live replica is choosen in specified order.




    <!-- Profile that allows only read queries. -->





<!-- Users and ACL. -->


    <!-- If user name was not specified, 'default' user is used. -->


        <!-- Password could be specified in plaintext or in SHA256 (in hex format).

             If you want to specify password in plaintext (not recommended), place it in 'password' element.

             Example: <password>qwerty</password>.

             Password could be empty.

             If you want to specify SHA256, place it in 'password_sha256_hex' element.

             Example: <password_sha256_hex>65e84be33532fb784c48129675f9eff3a682b27168c0ea744b2cf58ee02337c5</password_sha256_hex>

             How to generate decent password:

             Execute: PASSWORD=$(base64 < /dev/urandom | head -c8); echo "$PASSWORD"; echo -n "$PASSWORD" | sha256sum | tr -d '-'

             In first line will be password and in second - corresponding SHA256.



        <!-- List of networks with open access.

             To open access from everywhere, specify:


             To open access only from localhost, specify:



             Each element of list has one of the following forms:

             <ip> IP-address or network mask. Examples: or or 2a02:6b8::3 or 2a02:6b8::3/64.

             <host> Hostname. Example: server01.yandex.ru.

                 To check access, DNS query is performed, and all received addresses compared to peer address.

             <host_regexp> Regular expression for host names. Example, ^server\d\d-\d\d-\d\.yandex\.ru$

                 To check access, DNS PTR query is performed for peer address and then regexp is applied.

                 Then, for result of PTR query, another DNS query is performed and all received addresses compared to peer address.

                 Strongly recommended that regexp is ends with $

             All results of DNS requests are cached till server restart.


        <networks incl="networks" replace="replace">




        <!-- Settings profile for user. -->


        <!-- Quota for user. -->



    <!-- Example of user with readonly access. 说明:下面有两个用户seluser(readonly表示只读权限)和inuser(default表示默认权限)密码如下 -->



        <networks incl="networks" replace="replace">








        <networks incl="networks" replace="replace">







<!-- Quotas. -->


    <!-- Name of quota. -->


        <!-- Limits for time interval. You could specify many intervals with different limits. -->


            <!-- Length of interval. -->


            <!-- No limits. Just calculate resource usage for time interval. -->










- - 写docker-compose.yml

[root@wangjie clickhouse_server]# vim docker-compose.yml

version: '3'



image: yandex/clickhouse-server

container_name: clickhouse-server_wj

hostname: clickhouse-server_wj


  - 8123:8123


  - 9000

  - 9009


  - ./config.xml:/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml

  - ./users.xml:/etc/clickhouse-server/users.xml

  - ./data:/var/lib/clickhouse

  - ./log/clickhouse-server.log:/var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log

  - ./log/clickhouse-server.err.log:/var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.err.log

- - 在当前docker-compose.yml文件所在的目录执行 docker-compose up -d

[root@wangjie clickhouse_server]# docker-compose up -d

Creating network "clickhouse_server_default" with the default driver

Creating clickhouse-server_wj ... done


[root@wangjie clickhouse_server]# docker ps

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                      COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                    NAMES

dc9b85c22b6e        yandex/clickhouse-server   "/entrypoint.sh"    28 seconds ago      Up 27 seconds       9000/tcp,>8123/tcp, 9009/tcp               clickhouse-server_wj

- - 然后通过客户端连接之

[root@wangjie clickhouse_server]# docker run -it --rm --link clickhouse-server_wj:clickhouse-server --net clickhouse_server_default yandex/clickhouse-client --host clickhouse-server --user seluser --password 8d969eef6ecad3c29a3a629280e686cf0c3f5d5a86aff3ca12020c923adc6c92

ClickHouse client version 19.1.9.

Connecting to clickhouse-server:9000 as user seluser.

Connected to ClickHouse server version 19.1.10 revision 54413.

clickhouse-server_wj :)

clickhouse-server_wj :) show databases;



│ default │

│ system  │


2 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.017 sec.

- - 上面命令中的其他参数不解释,值得一提的是--net clickhouse_server_default 这个net参数的名字从哪来的,可以查看运行的clickhouse-server_wj服务端容器的详细信息来拿到

[root@wangjie clickhouse_server]# docker inspect dc9b85c22b6e    重点看Networks的部分,如下:映射的就是clickhouse_server_default


       "Networks": {

            "clickhouse_server_default": {

                "IPAMConfig": null,

                "Links": null,

                "Aliases": [




                "NetworkID": "ba7cf08769082f9afbe245f14ab2d7f9d7fc1f011e9d522ed2e75e9f6ebcee3f",

                "EndpointID": "5abb64ebb7f4fd8641e6e1598e888b44cd26b0b2bba8ef6d28ba62b638de6c56",

                "Gateway": "",

                "IPAddress": "",

                "IPPrefixLen": 16,

                "IPv6Gateway": "",

                "GlobalIPv6Address": "",

                "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,

                "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:13:00:02",

                "DriverOpts": null



- - 至此,就可以愉快的玩耍了,使用同1中类似操作即可。



- todo


- todo


以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网




UNIX系统编程: 通信、并发与线程

UNIX系统编程: 通信、并发与线程

【美】Kay Robbins、Steve Robbins / 师蓉 / 电子工业出版社 / 2018-5 / 198

《UNIX系统编程: 通信、并发与线程》是一本基于最新UNIX标准的完备的参考书,对UNIX编程的要点进行了清晰易懂的介绍,从一些用于说明如何使用系统调用的短小代码段开始,逐渐过渡到能帮助读者扩展自己技能水平的实际项目中。《UNIX系统编程: 通信、并发与线程》中对通信、并发和线程问题进行了深入探讨,对复杂的概念(如信号和并发)进行了全面且清晰的解释,还覆盖了与文件、信号、信号量、POSIX线程和......一起来看看 《UNIX系统编程: 通信、并发与线程》 这本书的介绍吧!

MD5 加密
MD5 加密

MD5 加密工具

