Learn Rust the Dangerous Way

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:LRtDW is a series of articles putting Rust features in context for low-level C programmers who maybe don't have a formal CS background — the sort of people who work on firmware, game engines, OS kernels, and the like. Basically, people like me.I've added R

LRtDW is a series of articles putting Rust features in context for low-level C programmers who maybe don't have a formal CS background — the sort of people who work on firmware, game engines, OS kernels, and the like. Basically, people like me.

I've added Rust to my toolbelt, and I hope to get you excited enough to do the same.

  1. Why Learn Rust the Dangerous Way? Introduction and ground rules.

  2. You can't write C in just any ol' language: translating a grungy optimized C program into grungy optimized unsafe Rust.

  3. References available upon request: how Rust references are different from pointers, how they are the same, and why we care.

  4. Measure what you optimize: taking a hard look at an optimization based on uninitialized memory, and converting it to safe code that's just as fast.

  5. A more perfect union: considering alternatives to pointer casting, and how to write safe wrappers for unsafe operations.

  6. Making safe things from unsafe parts: finally converting most of the program to safe code, and making sure that the unsafe bits are safe-ish.

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网




互联网+ 战略版

互联网+ 战略版

刘润 / 中国华侨出版社 / 2015-5-1 / 49.8

1、“互联网+”上升为国家战略,“互联网+”成为下一个超级畅销书的热点话题在商业环境巨变的今天,传统企业该怎么走?传统企业转型是一个系统工程,如何定战略、抓主要矛盾? 2、首本“互联网+传统企业”的战略指导书。“我互联网+”时代到来了,传统企业的外部环境发生了哪些变化?了解商业新生代的新商业环境,跟之前工业时代的不同,从战略上指导传统企业转型,更安全也更大局把握游刃有余。一起来看看 《互联网+ 战略版》 这本书的介绍吧!



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