Why typing inside WSL terminal feels amazing and better than every other app

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Sorry, this isn't an issue, but instead, it's more of a suggestion / request to please not break whatever you did with the default WSL terminal (Ubuntu specifically) being so responsive when it comes to rendering characters on the screen after pressing a k

Sorry, this isn't an issue, but instead, it's more of a suggestion / request to please not break whatever you did with the default WSL terminal (Ubuntu specifically) being so responsive when it comes to rendering characters on the screen after pressing a key.

Typing in the default WSL terminal feels like you're typing on air. There's a smoothness to it that's not present in any other Windows app, not even notepad.exe . If it feels like it has 10ms of input lag instead of 75ms+ for all other Windows (and 200-250ms+ for most Electron based apps).

What makes the WSL terminal feel better than notepad.exe and will this UI enhancement make its way to all Windows apps in the future?

Feel free to close this if you don't want to discuss it. I mainly opened it to bring an awareness to how good it is to hopefully prevent some type of regression from happening in the future.

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余果 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2015-9-1 / 49.00

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