内容简介:luastatusis a universal status bar content generator. It allows you to configure the way the data from event sources is processed and shown, with Lua.Its main feature is that the content can be updated immediately as some event occurs, be it a change of ke
luastatusis a universal status bar content generator. It allows you to configure the way the data from event sources is processed and shown, with Lua.
Its main feature is that the content can be updated immediately as some event occurs, be it a change of keyboard layout, active window title, volume or a song in your favorite music player (provided that there is a plugin for it) — a thing rather uncommon for tiling window managers.
Its motto is:
No more heavy-forking, second-lagging shell-script status bar generators!
Above is i3bar with luastatus with Bitcoin price, time, volume, and keyboard layout widgets.
Key concepts
In short:
- plugin is a thing that decides when to call the callback function
and what to pass to it; - barlib ( bar lib rary) is a thing that decides what to with values that
function returns; - there are also derived plugins , which are plugins written in Lua that use regular plugins.
ALSA volume widget:
widget = { plugin = 'alsa', opts = { channel = 'PCM' }, cb = function(t) if t.mute then return {full_text = '[mute]', color = '#e03838'} else local percent = (t.vol.cur - t.vol.min) / (t.vol.max - t.vol.min) * 100 return {full_text = string.format('[%3d%%]', math.floor(0.5 + percent)), color = '#718ba6'} end end, event = function(t) if t.button == 1 then -- left mouse button os.execute('urxvt -e alsamixer &') end end }
GMail widget (uses the derived plugin imap
--[[ -- Expects 'credentials.lua' to be present in the current directory; it may contain, e.g., -- return { -- gmail = { -- login = 'john.smith', -- password = 'qwerty' -- } -- } --]] credentials = require 'credentials' widget = luastatus.require_plugin('imap').widget{ host = 'imap.gmail.com', port = 993, mailbox = 'Inbox', use_ssl = true, timeout = 2 * 60, handshake_timeout = 10, login = credentials.gmail.login, password = credentials.gmail.password, error_sleep_period = 60, cb = function(unseen) if unseen == nil then return nil elseif unseen == 0 then return {full_text = '[-]', color = '#595959'} else return {full_text = string.format('[%d unseen]', unseen)} end end, event = [[ -- separate-state event function local t = ... -- obtain argument of this implicit function if t.button == 1 then -- left mouse button os.execute('xdg-open https://gmail.com &') end ]] }
See more examples here .
cmake . && make && sudo make install
You can specify a Lua library to build with: cmake -DWITH_LUA_LIBRARY=luajit .
You can disable building certain barlibs and plugins, e.g. cmake -DBUILD_PLUGIN_XTITLE=OFF .
You can disable building man pages: cmake -DBUILD_DOCS=OFF .
Getting started
It is recommended to first have a look at the luastatus' man page .
Then, read the barlib's and plugins' documentation, either via directly viewing barlibs/<name>/README.rst
and plugins/<name>/README.rst
files, or via installing the man pages and reading luastatus-barlib-<name>(7)
and luastatus-plugin-<name>(7)
Barlib-specific notes on usage follow.
should be specified as the i3bar's status command in the i3 config, e.g.:
bar { status_command cd ~/.config/luastatus && exec luastatus-i3-wrapper -B no_separators time-battery-combined.lua alsa.lua xkb.lua
See also README for i3 and examples for i3 .
luastatus should simply be launched with -b dwm
, e.g.:
luastatus -b dwm -B separator=' • ' alsa.lua time-battery-combined.lua
See also README for dwm and examples for dwm .
should be launched with luastatus-lemonbar-launcher
, e.g.:
luastatus-lemonbar-launcher -p -B#111111 -p -f'Droid Sans Mono for Powerline:pixelsize=12:weight=Bold' -- -Bseparator=' ' alsa.lua time-date.lua
See also README for lemonbar and examples for lemonbar .
luastatus should be launched with luastatus-stdout-wrapper
; or write your own wrapper, see e.g. the wrapper for launching dvtm with luastatus .
See also README for stdout and and examples for stdout .
Supported Lua versions
- 5.1
- LuaJIT, which is currently 5.1-compatible with "some language and library extensions from Lua 5.2"
- 5.2
- 5.3
- 5.4 (
pre-release versions)
Reporting bugs, requesting features, suggesting patches
Feel free to open an issue or a pull request.
Migrating from older versions
See the Migration Guide .
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[美]蒂姆·拉夫加登(Tim Roughgarden) / 徐波 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2019-1-1 / 49
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