
栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 5年前 · 31

一大早就被微信群炸醒,开发短信服务的猿妹子,在公司微信群里说:短信的生产环境服务器, CPU 占用率过高,疯狂报警,应该是你们昨天上线看门狗导致的(看门狗:守护短信服务的监控应用,...



Rationality for Mortals

Rationality for Mortals

Gerd Gigerenzer / Oxford University Press, USA / 2008-05-02 / USD 65.00

Gerd Gigerenzer's influential work examines the rationality of individuals not from the perspective of logic or probability, but from the point of view of adaptation to the real world of human behavio......一起来看看 《Rationality for Mortals》 这本书的介绍吧!

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