
栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 5年前 · 147

前言 可能你在没学消息中间件之前都已经听过很多概念了,JMS,AMQP,ActiveMQ,RabbitMQ,Kafka,RocketMQ,一个消息中间件怎么能搞出怎么多概念?乱不...



Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

Christopher Bishop / Springer / 2007-10-1 / USD 94.95

The dramatic growth in practical applications for machine learning over the last ten years has been accompanied by many important developments in the underlying algorithms and techniques. For example,......一起来看看 《Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning》 这本书的介绍吧!

CSS 压缩/解压工具

CSS 压缩/解压工具

在线压缩/解压 CSS 代码

HTML 编码/解码

HTML 编码/解码

HTML 编码/解码

MD5 加密

MD5 加密

MD5 加密工具