内容简介:phpPgAdmin 7.12.0 发布了,是继 phpPgAdmin 5.6 版本以来最大更新。 主要变化:已支持 PHP 7 和 PostgreSQL 12(版本号7.12.0的由来),大量细节更新。 详细说明: I'm pleased to introduce the latest releas...
phpPgAdmin 7.12.0 发布了,是继 phpPgAdmin 5.6 版本以来最大更新。
主要变化:已支持 PHP 7 和 PostgreSQL 12(版本号7.12.0的由来),大量细节更新。
I'm pleased to introduce the latest release of phpPgAdmin, version 7.12.0.
This release incorporates the following changes:
PHP 7.1 is now the default version for development, and the minimum version required for phpPgAdmin going forward. Most users are currently running PHP 7, so we're happy to support this going forward, and encourage users of PHP 5.x to upgrade for continued support.
We've added support for all current versions of PostgreSQL, including the pending PostgreSQL 12 release. Our aim going forward will be to ensure that we are properly supporting all current release of Postgres, with degraded support for EOL versions.
We've updated some internal libraries, fixed additional bugs, and merged in many patches that had accumulated over the years. We want to thank everyone who provided a patch, whether merged or not, and hope you will consider contributing to phpPgAdmin in the future.
This version also comes with a change to our development and release cycle process. The first part of this is changing how we number our releases. Going forward, our versions numbers will represent:
- the primary PHP version supported (7),
- the most recent version of PostgreSQL supported (12),
- and the particular release number in that series (0).
Our plan is to continue developing on this branch (7_12) and releasing new features and bug fixes as often as needed. At some point about a year from now, after PostgreSQL has branched for Postgres 13/14, we'll incorporate that into an official release, and bump our release number to 7.13.0. Presumably, in a few years, there will eventually be a release of PHP 8, and we'll start planning that change at that time. We hope this will make it easier for both users and contributors going forward.
Once again, I want to thank everyone who has helped contribute to phpPgAdmin over the years. The project has gone through some ups and downs, but despite that is still used by a very large number of users and it enjoys a healthy developer ecosystem. We hope you find this new release helpful!
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