前言 The last time, I have learned【THE LAST TIME】一直是我想写的一个系列,旨在厚积薄发,重温前端。也是给自己的查缺补漏和技术分享。欢...
前言 The last time, I have learned【THE LAST TIME】一直是我想写的一个系列,旨在厚积薄发,重温前端。也是给自己的查缺补漏和技术分享。欢...
Jim Webber、Savas Parastatidis、Ian Robinson / O'Reilly Media / 2010-9-24 / USD 44.99
Why don't typical enterprise projects go as smoothly as projects you develop for the Web? Does the REST architectural style really present a viable alternative for building distributed systems and ent......一起来看看 《REST in Practice》 这本书的介绍吧!