前言 The last time, I have learned【THE LAST TIME】一直是我想写的一个系列,旨在厚积薄发,重温前端。也是给自己的查缺补漏和技术分享。欢...
前言 The last time, I have learned【THE LAST TIME】一直是我想写的一个系列,旨在厚积薄发,重温前端。也是给自己的查缺补漏和技术分享。欢...
Allen Gannett / Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group / 2018-6-12
Big data entrepreneur Allen Gannett overturns the mythology around creative genius, and reveals the science and secrets behind achieving breakout commercial success in any field. We have been s......一起来看看 《The Creative Curve》 这本书的介绍吧!