Eclipse IDE 2019-09 发布

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 5年前

内容简介:Eclipse IDE 2019-09 发布了,包含项目如下表所示: Project Release Eclipse Acceleo 3.7.8 Eclipse ATL 4.1.0 Eclipse BPEL Designer 1.1.2 Eclipse BPMN2 Modeler Project 1.5.1 Eclipse Buildship: Eclipse P...

Eclipse IDE 2019-09 发布了,包含项目如下表所示:

Project Release
Eclipse Acceleo 3.7.8
Eclipse ATL 4.1.0
Eclipse BPEL Designer 1.1.2
Eclipse BPMN2 Modeler Project 1.5.1
Eclipse Buildship: Eclipse Plug-ins for Gradle 3.1.0
Eclipse Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) 4.7.0
Eclipse Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN2) 1.5.0
Eclipse C/C++ Development Tooling (CDT) 9.9.0
Eclipse CDO Model Repository 4.7.0
Eclipse Collections 10.0.0
Eclipse Communication Framework 3.14.5
Eclipse Corrosion: the Eclipse IDE for Rust 0.4.1
Eclipse Data Tools Platform 1.14.102
Eclipse Dynamic Languages Toolkit 5.11
Eclipse EclEmma 3.1.3
Eclipse Ecore Tools 3.3.1
Eclipse EGit: Git Integration for Eclipse 5.5.0
Eclipse EMF 2.18.0
Eclipse EMF Client Platform 1.22.0
Eclipse EMF Compare 3.3.6
Eclipse EMF Diff/Merge 0.11.2
Eclipse EMF Parsley 1.8.0
Eclipse EMF Services 1.12.1
Eclipse EMFStore 1.10.0
Eclipse Extended Editing Framework (EEF) 2.1.2
Eclipse Generation Factories (EGF) 1.6.1
Eclipse GMF Runtime 1.12.1
Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) 5.2.0 (2019-09)
Eclipse Graphiti 0.16.0
Eclipse JGit: Java implementation of Git 5.5.0
Eclipse Jubula Functional Testing Tool 8.0.0 (2019-09)
Eclipse JWT 1.6.0
Eclipse Linux Tools 7.4.0
Eclipse LSP4E 0.11.0
Eclipse LSP4J 0.8.0
Eclipse Lua Development Tools 1.4.2
Eclipse Marketplace Client 1.8.0
Eclipse Maven Integration 1.13
Eclipse Maven Integration for Web Tools Platform 1.4.2
Eclipse MDT UML2 5.5.0
Eclipse MDT XSD (XML Schema Definition) 2.18.0
Eclipse Memory Analyzer 1.9.1
Eclipse Modeling Workflow Engine 2.11.0
Eclipse Mylyn 3.24
Eclipse Object Teams 2.7.4 (2019-06)
Eclipse OCL (Object Constraint Language) 2019-09 (6.9.0)
Eclipse Oomph 1.13.0
Eclipse Packaging Project 4.12.0
Eclipse Papyrus 4.4.0
Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform (PTP) 9.3.1
Eclipse Passage 0.6.0
Eclipse PHP Development Tools 6.3
Eclipse Project 4.13.0
Eclipse QVT Operational 2019-09 (3.10.0)
Eclipse QVTd (QVT Declarative) 2019-09 (0.20.0)
Eclipse RCP Testing Tool 2.4.2
Eclipse RedDeer 2.7.0
Eclipse Remote Application Platform 3.9.0
Eclipse Scout 9.0.0
Eclipse Sirius 6.2.2
Eclipse SWTBot 2.8.0
Eclipse Target Communication Framework 1.6.0
Eclipse Target Management: Terminal and Remote System Explorer (RSE) 4.5
Eclipse TM4E - TextMate support in the Eclipse IDE 0.3.2
Eclipse Tools for Cloud Foundry 1.2.0 (Photon)
Eclipse Trace Compass 5.1.0
Eclipse User Storage Service SDK 1.2.0
Eclipse VIATRA 2.2.1
Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project 3.15 (2019-09)
Eclipse Wild Web Developer 0.3.0
Eclipse WindowBuilder 1.9.3
Eclipse Xpand 2.2.0
Eclipse Xtext 2.19.0
Eclipse XWT 1.3.1
Mylyn Docs 3.0.33


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Flexible Pattern Matching in Strings

Flexible Pattern Matching in Strings

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