内容简介:F# 插入排序 和归并排序
插入排序 insertSort
let insertSort array = let length = Array.length array for i in [1..(length-1)] do let key = array.[i] //insert key to sub array[0..i-1] let mutable j = i-1 while (j>=0 && array.[j]>key) do array.[j+1] <- array.[j] j <- j-1 array.[j+1]<-key let a=[|6;7;1;3;2;9;8;18;18;12|] a |> insertSort
归并排序 mergesort
let merge array lo mid hi = let mutable i = lo let mutable j = mid let length = Array.length array let tempArray = Array.create length 0 let mutable index =0 while (i<mid && j<hi) do if array.[i]<array.[j] then tempArray.[index]<-array.[i] i<-i+1 index<-index+1 if array.[i]>=array.[j] then tempArray.[index]< -array.[j] j<-j+1 index<-index+1 //check if there's any remaining let if i<mid then for k in [i .. (mid-1)] do tempArray.[index] <- array.[k] index<-index+1 if j<hi then for k in [j .. (hi-1)] do tempArray.[index] <- array.[k] index<-index+1 for i in [lo..(hi-1)] do array.[i] <- tempArray.[i-lo] let rec mergeSort' array lo hi = let length = hi - lo if length>1 then let mid = max ((hi - lo)/2) (lo+1) mergeSort' array lo mid mergeSort' array mid hi merge array lo mid hi let mergeSort array = mergeSort' array 0 (Array.length array) let array =[|4;1;5;6;7;8;13;19;12|] array |> mergeSort
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Software Paradigms
Stephen H. Kaisler / Wiley-Interscience / 2005-03-17 / USD 93.95
Software Paradigms provides the first complete compilation of software paradigms commonly used to develop large software applications, with coverage ranging from discrete problems to full-scale applic......一起来看看 《Software Paradigms》 这本书的介绍吧!