内容简介:prosemirror-view 是 ProseMirror 的视图组件,刚刚发布了最新的 1.10.0 版本,ProseMirror 是一个基于 ContentEditable 的所见即所得 HTML 编辑器,功能强大,支持协作编辑和自定义文档模式 ProseMirror 库由多个...
prosemirror-view 是 ProseMirror 的视图组件,刚刚发布了最新的 1.10.0 版本,ProseMirror 是一个基于 ContentEditable 的所见即所得 HTML 编辑器,功能强大,支持协作编辑和自定义文档模式 ProseMirror 库由多个单独的模块组成。
ProseMirror 主要特性:
- 协作编辑:ProseMirror 内建多人实时协作编辑
- 模块化
- 功能丰富,可以很方便集成到已有的应用
- 可扩展
- 可插拔
- 节点视图可通过 ignoreMutation 回调方法来忽略选择内容的变更事件。
Bug 修复
- Fix an issue that caused the cursor to be scrolled into view when
was called on IE11. - Fix problem where the cursor cycled through pieces of right-to-left text on Firefox during horizontal motion when the gapcursor plugin was enabled.
- Fix spurious mutation events in Firefox causing mark replacement at end of composition. Restore call to dom.focus on view.focus
- Fix a bug that could cause node views in front of marked nodes to not be destroyed when deleted, and caused confusion in composition handling in some situations.
- Cursor wrappers (a kludge to make sure typed text gets wrapping DOM structure corresponding to the current marks) are now created less eagerly, and in a less invasive way, which resolves a number of problems with composition (especially on Safari) and bidirectional text.
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