CVPR2019 Metric Learning、Embedding、Retrieval 相关论文阅读及整理

栏目: 编程工具 · 发布时间: 5年前

Paper List

  1. A Theoretically Sound Upper Bound on the Triplet Loss for Improving the Efficiency of Deep Distance Metric Learning
  2. End-to-End Supervised Product Quantization for Image Search and Retrieval
  3. Ranked List Loss for Deep Metric Learning
  4. On Learning Density Aware Embeddings
  5. Stochastic Class-based Hard Example Mining for Deep Metric Learning
  6. Multi-Similarity Loss with General Pair Weighting for Deep Metric Learning
  7. Deep Metric Learning to Rank
  8. Learning Metrics from Teachers: Compact Networks for Image Embedding
  9. Deep Embedding Learning with Discriminative Sampling Policy
  10. Divide and Conquer the Embedding Space for Metric Learning
  11. Unsupervised Embedding Learning via Invariant and Spreading Instance Feature
  12. Signal-to-Noise Ratio: A Robust Distance Metric for Deep Metric Learning
  13. Deep Asymmetric Metric Learning via Rich Relationship Mining
  14. Hardness-Aware Deep Metric Learning



Method R@1 R@2 R@4 R@8
1. Discriminative 51.43 64.23 74.31 82.83
3.RLL-(L,M,H) 61.3 72.7 82.7 89.4
5.SCHE 66.2 76.3 84.1 90.1
6.MS 65.7 77.0 86.3 91.2
9. DE-DSP (N-pair) 53.6 65.5 76.9 -
10. DCES 65.9 76.6 84.4 90.6
12. DSML 51.6 54.9 - -
13. RRM 55.1 66.5 76.8 85.3
14. HDML 53.7 65.7 76.7 85.7


Method R@1 R@2 R@4 R@8
1. Discriminative 68.31 78.21 85.22 91.18
3.RLL-(L,M,H) 82.1 89.3 93.7 96.7
5.SCHE 91.7 95.3 97.3 98.4
6.MS 84.1 90.4 94.0 96.5
9. DE-DSP (N-pair) 72.9 81.6 88.8 -
10. DCES 84.6 90.7 94.1 96.5
12. DSML 49.1 52.4 - -
13. RRM 73.5 82.6 89.1 93.5
14. HDML 79.1 87.1 92.1 95.5


Method R@1 R@10 R@100
3.RLL-(L,M,H) 79.8 91.3 96.3
5.SCHE 77.6 89.1 94.7
6.MS 78.2 90.5 96.0
7.FastAP 75.8 89.1 95.4
9. DE-DSP (N-pair) 68.9 84.0 92.6
10. DCES 75.9 88.4 94.9
13. RRM 69.7 85.2 93.2
14. HDML 68.7 83.2 92.4


Method R@1 R@10 R@20 R@30
5.SCHE 91.9 98.0 98.7 99.0
6.MS 89.7 97.9 98.5 98.8
7.FastAP 90.9 97.7 98.5 98.8
9. DE-DSP (N-pair) 78.6 93.8 95.5 96.2
10. DCES 85.7 95.5 96.9 97.5

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