栏目: CoffeeScript · 发布时间: 7年前
几年前,函数式编程的复兴正值巅峰,一篇介绍 Scala 中 10 个单行函数式代码 的博文在网上走红。很快地,一系列使用其他语言实现这些单行代码的文章也随之出现,比如 Haskell , Ruby , Groovy , Clojure , Python , C# , F# , CoffeeScript 。
1. 让列表中的每个元素都乘以2
[1..10].map (i) -> i*2
i * 2 for i in [1..10]
2. 求列表中的所有元素之和
[1..1000].reduce (t, s) -> t + s
(reduce == reduceLeft, reduceRight 也可以)
3. 判断一个字符串中是否存在某些词
wordList = ["coffeescript", "eko", "play framework", "and stuff", "falsy"] tweet = "This is an example tweet talking about javascript and stuff." wordList.some (word) -> ~tweet.indexOf word
wordList.filter (word) -> ~tweet.indexOf word
~ is not a special operator in CoffeeScript, just a dirty trick. It is the bitwise NOT operator, which inverts the bits of it’s operand. In practice it equates to -x-1. Here it works on the basis that we want to check for an index greater than -1, and -(-1)-1 == 0 evaluates to false.
4. 读取文件
fs.readFile 'data.txt', (err, data) -> fileText = data
fileText = fs.readFileSync('data.txt').toString()
In node.js land this is only acceptable for application start-up routines. You should use the async version in your code.
5. 祝你生日快乐!
[1..4].map (i) -> console.log "Happy Birthday " + (if i is 3 then "dear Robert" else "to You")
console.log "Happy Birthday #{if i is 3 then "dear Robert" else "to You"}" for i in [1..4]
6. 过滤列表中的数值
(if score > 60 then (passed or passed = []) else (failed or failed = [])).push score for score in [49, 58, 76, 82, 88, 90]
[passed, failed] = [49, 58, 76, 82, 88, 90].reduce ((p,c,i) -> p[+(c < 60)].push c; p), [[],[]]
7. 获取XML web service数据并分析
request.get { uri:'path/to/api.json', json: true }, (err, r, body) -> results = body
8. 找到列表中最小或最大的一个数字
Math.max.apply @, [14, 35, -7, 46, 98] # 98 Math.min.apply @, [14, 35, -7, 46, 98] # -7
9. 并行处理
Not there yet. You can create child processes on your own and communicate with them, or use the WebWorkers API implementation. Skipping over.
10. “Sieve of Eratosthenes”算法
sieve = (num) -> numbers = [2..num] while ((pos = numbers[0]) * pos) <= num delete numbers[i] for n, i in numbers by pos numbers.shift() numbers.indexOf(num) > -1
primes = [] primes.push i for i in [2..100] when not (j for j in primes when i % j == 0).length
(n) -> (p.push i for i in [2..n] when not (j for j in (p or p=[]) when i%j == 0)[0]) and n in p
(n) -> (p.push i for i in [2..n] when !(p or p=[]).some((j) -> i%j is 0)) and n in p
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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Patrick Griffiths / New Riders Press / 2006-11-22 / USD 49.99
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