Unescaped left brace in regex is illegal here in regex; marked by<-- HERE in m/\"%{<-- HERE Referer}i\"/ at ./awstats.pl line 9045.
As written by @Leobaillard you can use his patch. If you want to fix this with your editor (vi) you can go to line 3936 and make the following changes
$ vi buildroot/output/host/usr/bin/automake
goto line :3936 and change
$text =~ s/\${([^ \t=:+{}]+)}/substitute_ac_subst_variables_worker ($1)/ge;
$text =~ s/\$\{([^ \t=:+\{\}]+)\}/substitute_ac_subst_variables_worker ($1)/ge;
The error is with automake and perl v5.26.
从perl v5.22开始:不再推荐在正则表达式中使用 {,而且如果没有转义 \{ 会有错误警告,从v5.26开始:不仅有警告,还会有语法错误提示。
解决方法:在所有正则表达式的 "{" "}" 前面增加转义符:
diff -r1.1008 awstats.pl
<$LogFormatString =~ s/\"%{Referer}i\"/%refererquot/g;
<$LogFormatString =~ s/\"%{User-Agent}i\"/%uaquot/g;
<$LogFormatString =~ s/%{mod_gzip_input_size}n/%gzipin/g;
<$LogFormatString =~ s/%{mod_gzip_output_size}n/%gzipout/g;
<$LogFormatString =~ s/%{mod_gzip_compression_ratio}n/%gzipratio/g;
<$LogFormatString =~ s/\(%{ratio}n\)/%deflateratio/g;
> $LogFormatString =~ s/\"%\{Referer\}i\"/%refererquot/g;
> $LogFormatString =~ s/\"%\{User-Agent\}i\"/%uaquot/g;
> $LogFormatString =~ s/%\{mod_gzip_input_size\}n/%gzipin/g;
> $LogFormatString =~ s/%\{mod_gzip_output_size\}n/%gzipout/g;
> $LogFormatString =~ s/%\{mod_gzip_compression_ratio\}n/%gzipratio/g;
> $LogFormatString =~ s/\(%\{ratio\}n\)/%deflateratio/g;
作者:车东 发表于:2019-07-04 00:07 最后更新于:2019-07-04 01:07
版权声明 :可以转载,转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章 Perl 5.22以后的语法更新:Unescaped left brace in regex is illegal here in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/\"%{ <-- HERE Referer}i\"/ at ./awstats.pl line 9045. 的原始出处和作者信息及本版权声明。
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