DailyMe#2019-07-02 Ive 离职的后续「内幕」、Google 热气球计划即将测试、酒店的黑客们

栏目: 编程工具 · 发布时间: 5年前

内容简介:Jony Ive 离开苹果的「内幕」与「口水」。而根据


Jony Ive 离开苹果的「内幕」与「口水」。 WSJ 的这篇长篇报道指出,Ive 离职是和库克有关:

 Mr. Cook, an in­dus­trial en­gi­neer who made his name per­fect­ing Apple’s sup­ply chain, sought to keep Mr. Ive happy over the years, in part with a pay pack­age that far ex­ceeds that of other top Apple ex­ec­u­tives, a point of fric­tion with oth­ers on the ex­ec­u­tive team, peo­ple fa­mil­iar with the mat­ter say. Apple doesn’t dis­close Mr. Ive’s pay. But peo­ple in the de­sign stu­dio rarely saw Mr. Cook, who they say showed lit­tle in­ter­est in the prod­uct de­vel­op­ment process—a fact that dispir­ited Mr. Ive. 
 Mr. Ive grew frus­trated as Apple’s board be­came in­creas­ingly pop­u­lated by di­rec­tors with back­grounds in fi­nance and op­er­a­tions rather than tech­nol­ogy or other ar­eas of the com­pa­ny’s core busi­ness, said peo­ple close to him and to the com­pany. 

而根据 NBC 的报道,库克写了封邮件给 NBC 记者 Dylan Byers 回应此事,邮件截图如下:

DailyMe#2019-07-02 Ive 离职的后续「内幕」、Google 热气球计划即将测试、酒店的黑客们

此事在 Twitter 引发热议,感兴趣的朋友可以通过这条 推文 继续跟进。

Google 的热气球网络分发计划即将在肯尼亚测试。来自 路透社 的报道:

 The company behind the effort, Loon says its balloons will reach Kenya in the coming weeks for its first commercial trial. The test with Telkom Kenya, the nation’s No. 3 carrier, will let mountain villagers buy 4G service at market-rate prices for an undefined period. Kenya’s aviation authority said its final approval would be signed this month. 

中国脸部数据采集行业。来自 路透社 的报道:





苹果限制中国独立播客。来自 TechCrunch 的报道,此事国内鲜有报道:

  On Friday, a total of 26 audio-focused apps were ordered to terminate, suspend services, or have talks with regulators as they were investigated and deemed to have spread “historical nihilism” and “pornography,” according to a notice posted by the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC). 
 The clampdown has, in a way, been foreshadowed by a recent attack of user-generated audio content. Last month, Apple restricted Chinese users from accessing podcasts that aren’t hosted by its local partners, effectively preventing those with a Chinese Apple account from consuming content unchecked by Chinese censors. 


印度互联网的上半场由中国公司主导。来自 腾讯棱镜 的一篇报道:



我在“下沉市场”生活的一个月。来自 微信公号 上的一篇体验分享,正如作者所言:



酒店里的黑客们。来自 Bloomberg 的一篇长文,大家还是要尽量减少使用公共 Wi-Fi:

 Three men dressed for business travel in jeans and dress shirts loaded backpacks into the trunk of a black coupe and wound their way through the center of a major European city. When they arrived at their hotel, they unloaded their luggage and waited giddily to pass through the revolving doors. They were checking into the hotel to hack it. 

Hackers target financial institutions because that’s where the money is, and they target retail chains because that’s where people spend the money. Hotels might be a less obvious target, but they’re hacked almost as often because of the valuable data that passes through them, like credit cards and trade secrets. Thieves have targeted electronic door locks to burgle rooms and used malware attacks to log credit card swipes in real time. They’ve even used Wi-Fi to hijack hotels’ internal networks in search of corporate data. Just about all of the industry’s major players have reported breaches, including Hilton Worldwide Holdings, InterContinental Hotels Group, and Hyatt Hotels.

The group’s leader checked in at the front desk. One of his associates strolled along the length of the reception area, noting that the property used an outdated point-of-sale system, and another used a mobile app called Fing to scan for hidden networks. While they waited for the staff to finish preparing their room, the hackers took coffee on a terrace. They opened up the published code for the hotel website and exploited an outdated plug-in to compile a list of admin names.

Ultimately they were looking for a door. Sure, they could slip a thumb drive into the neglected register at the far end of the restaurant bar and log credit card numbers until somebody noticed the device. But they would rather find a way into the property management system, or PMS, which hotels use to take reservations, issue room keys, and store credit card data.

Better still would be to do what they did at a hotel in New York City. After plugging the internet cable from the room’s smart TV into a laptop, they got into the hotel’s PMS, which led to the chain’s corporate system. Emails Bloomberg Businessweek viewed show they gained access to credit card information for years’ worth of transactions across dozens of hotels.

If they had been crooks, the team would have sold the information on the black market, where a Visa with a high limit can go for about $20. These hackers, however, were good guys: IT consultants who were frustrated with their hospitality clients’ lax approach to security. To demonstrate the industry’s weaknesses, their leader arranged for a reporter to tag along on an audit of one of his clients’ hotels. The conditions: The hackers wouldn’t break into the personal devices of hotel guests, and neither the hotel, the city, nor the hackers could be named.

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《DailyMe#2019-07-02 Ive 离职的后续「内幕」、Google 热气球计划即将测试、酒店的黑客们》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!





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