+ (NSString *)getGoodsRuleWithCarLength:(NSString *)carLength andCarType:(NSString *)carType andSpecialRequire:(NSString *)specialRequire andEntrance:(TYTGoodsRuleEntrance)entrance{ NSString *goodsRule = nil; if(carLength.length > 0){ if(carType.length > 0){ if(specialRequire.length > 0){ goodsRule = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@/%@",carLength,carType,specialRequire]; }else{ goodsRule = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@",carLength,carType]; } }else{ if(specialRequire.length > 0){ goodsRule = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@",carLength,specialRequire]; }else{ goodsRule = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",carLength]; } } }else{ if(carType.length > 0){ if(specialRequire.length > 0){ goodsRule = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@",carType,specialRequire]; }else{ goodsRule = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",carType]; } }else{ if(specialRequire.length > 0){ goodsRule = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",specialRequire]; }else{ goodsRule = @""; } } } return goodsRule; } 复制代码
//创建NSString的分类 /** * 用斜线拼接参数 * count为参数个数,其它参数必须是NSString类型(可为nil) * eg.需要拼接三个字符串 长、宽、高为 "长/宽/高" 方法调用方式为[NSString splicWithSlantParamsCount:3, @"长", @"宽", @"高"]; */ + (NSString *)stringSplicWithSlantParamsCount:(int)count,...{ if(count < 1){ return @""; } int index = 0; va_list args; va_start(args, count); //拼接后的字符串 NSString *paramSum = @""; NSString *otherParam; //循环到结尾就停止循环 while(index<count){ index ++; otherParam = va_arg(args, NSString *); if(paramSum.length > 0){ if(otherParam.length > 0){ paramSum = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@",paramSum,otherParam]; } }else{ if(otherParam.length > 0){ paramSum = otherParam; } } } va_end(args); return paramSum; } 复制代码
+ (NSString *)getGoodsRuleWithCarLength:(NSString *)carLength andCarType:(NSString *)carType andSpecialRequire:(NSString *)specialRequire andEntrance:(TYTGoodsRuleEntrance)entrance{ //用"/"拼接字符串 NSString *goodsRule = [NSString stringSplicWithSlantParamsCount:3, carLength, carType, specialRequire]; return goodsRule; } 复制代码
也曾考虑过在封装的代码中通过 vsnprintf
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One Click
Richard L. Brandt / Portfolio Hardcover / 2011-10-27 / 25.95
An insightful look at how Amazon really works and how its founder and CEO makes it happen. Amazon's business model is deceptively simple: make online shopping so easy and convenient that customers ......一起来看看 《One Click》 这本书的介绍吧!