Phoenix解读 | Phoenix源码解读之SQL

栏目: 数据库 · 发布时间: 5年前

内容简介:SQL编译执行上一章我们自底向上简要分析了 SQL 编译的过程,这一章从 Driver 分析。用过 JDBC 进行数据库的 CRUD 的读者对:


上一章我们自底向上简要分析了 SQL 编译的过程,这一章从 Driver 分析。

用过 JDBC 进行数据库的 CRUD 的读者对:

  • Driver

  • Connection

  • PreperedStatement/Statement

  • ResultSet

一定不陌生,对应的 PhoenixSQL 中也有这些概念。我们会自顶向下逐一分析这些概念。

  * JDBC Driver implementation of Phoenix for production.
  * To use this driver, specify the following URL:
  *     jdbc:phoenix:<zookeeper quorum server name>;
  * Only an embedded driver is currently supported (Phoenix client
  * runs in the same JVM as the driver). Connections are lightweight
  * and are not pooled. The last part of the URL, the hbase zookeeper
  * quorum server name, determines the hbase cluster to which queries
  * will be routed.
public final class PhoenixDriver extends PhoenixEmbeddedDriver {
  * Abstract base class for JDBC Driver implementation of Phoenix
public abstract class PhoenixEmbeddedDriver implements Driver, SQLCloseable {

PhoenixDriver 就是 Driver 的一个子类,提供了相应的功能实现。不过目前只需要关注 connect 这个方法,它最终返回 PhoenixConnection 。

PhoenixDriver 注释中提到 PhoenixConnection,非常轻量级,不需要池化,也就是说可以随便创建连接。关于这一点,不再过多介绍,感兴趣的读者可以自行谷歌。

  * JDBC Connection implementation of Phoenix. Currently the following are
  * supported: - Statement - PreparedStatement The connection may only be used
  * with the following options: - ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY -
public class PhoenixConnection implements Connection, MetaDataMutated, SQLCloseable {
  * Interface for applying schema mutations to our client-side schema cache
public interface MetaDataMutated {
       void addTable(PTable table, long resolvedTime) throws SQLException;
       void updateResolvedTimestamp(PTable table, long resolvedTimestamp) throws SQLException;
       void removeTable(PName tenantId, String tableName, String parentTableName, long tableTimeStamp) throws SQLException;
       void removeColumn(PName tenantId, String tableName, List<PColumn> columnsToRemove, long tableTimeStamp, long tableSeqNum, long resolvedTime) throws SQLException;
       void addFunction(PFunction function) throws SQLException;
       void removeFunction(PName tenantId, String function, long functionTimeStamp) throws SQLException;
       void addSchema(PSchema schema) throws SQLException;
       void removeSchema(PSchema schema, long schemaTimeStamp);

PhoenixConnection 只关注:

prepareStatement 和 createStatement


  • PhoenixPreparedStatement

  • PhoenixStatement

分析到这里,还不涉及 SQL 的编译和执行,都是一些对象类型的转换和创建。为了简化分析,下面着重分析 PhoenixStatement 。

  * JDBC Statement implementation of Phoenix.
  * Currently only the following methods are supported:
  * - {@link #executeQuery(String)}
  * - {@link #executeUpdate(String)}
  * - {@link #execute(String)}
  * - {@link #getResultSet()}
  * - {@link #getUpdateCount()}
  * - {@link #close()}
  * The Statement only supports the following options:
  * - ResultSet.FETCH_FORWARD
public class PhoenixStatement implements Statement, SQLCloseable {

注释讲的也很清楚,仅支持有限的方法,那么我们分析就有重点了。再加上此次分析的目的,executeQuery 方法就是我们的重中之重。

public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) throws SQLException {
       if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
           LOGGER.debug(LogUtil.addCustomAnnotations("Execute query: " + sql, connection));

       CompilableStatement stmt = parseStatement(sql);
       if (stmt.getOperation().isMutation()) {
           throw new ExecuteQueryNotApplicableException(sql);
       return executeQuery(stmt,createQueryLogger(stmt,sql));

executeQuery 逻辑比较简单,就是把SQL字符串编译成 CompilableStatement ,然后交给另一个 executeQuery 执行。

protected CompilableStatement parseStatement(String sql) throws SQLException {
          PhoenixStatementParser parser = null;
          try {
               parser = new PhoenixStatementParser(sql, new ExecutableNodeFactory());
          } catch (IOException e) {
            throw ServerUtil.parseServerException(e);
          CompilableStatement statement = parser.parseStatement();
          return statement;


  • 创建:PhoenixStatementParser

  • 编译:SQL 字符串

PhoenixStatementParser 其实是 SQLParser 的子类,其实就调用了 SQLParser 编译了 SQL 。

因为 PhoenixStatementParser 是在 executeQuery 中调用的,所以一定是一个 DML 语句。

 * Parses the input as a SQL select or upsert statement.
 * @throws SQLException 
public BindableStatement parseStatement() throws SQLException {
       try {
            BindableStatement statement = parser.statement();
            return statement;
       } catch (RecognitionException e) {
            throw PhoenixParserException.newException(e, parser.getTokenNames());
       } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
            throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException(e);
       } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            if (e.getCause() instanceof SQLException) {
                throw (SQLException) e.getCause();
            throw PhoenixParserException.newException(e, parser.getTokenNames());

根据其逻辑,可以知道 DML 语句由语法文件中的 statement 定义。至此,SQL 字符串就编译完成,但还没有执行。

private PhoenixResultSet executeQuery(final CompilableStatement stmt,
        final boolean doRetryOnMetaNotFoundError, final QueryLogger queryLogger) throws SQLException {

根据代码逻辑,我们找到了上面这个方法最终编译、执行 CompilableStatement 。

继续分析,我们发现 CompilableStatement 被编译成了 QueryPlan ,QueryPlan 被

connection.getQueryServices().getOptimizer().optimize 优化,根据 QueryPlan 创建了 PhoenixResultSet 。

细心的读者可能要问,编译后的 SQL 在哪里转化成 HBase 的 Scan 呢?这就要知道 statement 是在哪里翻译的了。通过语法文件可以知道 statement 被 oneStatement 定义,oneStatement 语法图如下:

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很明显我们要去查看 select_node 的语法树:

single_select returns [SelectStatement ret]
@init{ contextStack.push(new ParseContext()); }
    :   SELECT (h=hintClause)? 
        (d=DISTINCT | ALL)? sel=select_list
        (FROM from=parseFrom)?
        (WHERE where=expression)?
        (GROUP BY group=group_by)?
        (HAVING having=expression)?
        { ParseContext context = contextStack.peek(); $ret =, h, d!=null, sel, where, group, having, null, null,null, getBindCount(), context.isAggregate(), context.hasSequences(), null, new HashMap<String,UDFParseNode>(udfParseNodes)); }
finally{ contextStack.pop(); }

unioned_selects returns [List<SelectStatement> ret]
@init{ret = new ArrayList<SelectStatement>();}
    :   s=single_select {ret.add(s);} (UNION ALL s=single_select {ret.add(s);})*

// Parse a full select expression structure.
select_node returns [SelectStatement ret]
@init{ contextStack.push(new ParseContext()); }
    :   u=unioned_selects
        (ORDER BY order=order_by)?
        (LIMIT l=limit)?
        (OFFSET o=offset (ROW | ROWS)?)?
        (FETCH (FIRST | NEXT) (l=limit)? (ROW | ROWS) ONLY)?
        { ParseContext context = contextStack.peek(); $ret =, order, l, o, getBindCount(), context.isAggregate()); }
finally{ contextStack.pop(); 

从上图可得知,最终 sql 语法分析后通过 进行了语义转换,生成了 SelectStatement 对象。

但这里需要特别注意,fatory 的具体类型。在 parseStatement 函数中,传给 PhoenixStatementParser 的第二个参数是 ExecutableNodeFactory ,这就是 factry 的具体类型,所以 select 的具体实现由 ExecutableNodeFactory 完成。下面是 select 的代码。

public ExecutableSelectStatement select(TableNode from, HintNode hint, boolean isDistinct, List<AliasedNode> select, ParseNode where,
                List<ParseNode> groupBy, ParseNode having, List<OrderByNode> orderBy, LimitNode limit, OffsetNode offset, int bindCount, boolean isAggregate,
                boolean hasSequence, List<SelectStatement> selects, Map<String, UDFParseNode> udfParseNodes) {
       return new ExecutableSelectStatement(from, hint, isDistinct, select, where, groupBy == null ? Collections.<ParseNode>emptyList() : groupBy,
                    having, orderBy == null ? Collections.<OrderByNode>emptyList() : orderBy, limit, offset, bindCount, isAggregate, hasSequence, selects == null ? Collections.<SelectStatement>emptyList() : selects, udfParseNodes);

也就说编译后 SelectStatement 实际的类型是 ExecutableSelectStatement 。

compilePlan 也是由 ExecutableSelectStatement 实现。

public QueryPlan compilePlan(PhoenixStatement stmt, Sequence.ValueOp seqAction) throws SQLException {
       if(!getUdfParseNodes().isEmpty()) {
       SelectStatement select = SubselectRewriter.flatten(this, stmt.getConnection());
       ColumnResolver resolver = FromCompiler.getResolverForQuery(select, stmt.getConnection());
       select = StatementNormalizer.normalize(select, resolver);
       SelectStatement transformedSelect = SubqueryRewriter.transform(select, resolver, stmt.getConnection());
       if (transformedSelect != select) {
           resolver = FromCompiler.getResolverForQuery(transformedSelect, stmt.getConnection());
           select = StatementNormalizer.normalize(transformedSelect, resolver);

       QueryPlan plan = new QueryCompiler(stmt, select, resolver, Collections.emptyList(),
                    stmt.getConnection().getIteratorFactory(), new SequenceManager(stmt),
                    true, false, null)
       return plan;


  • SubselectRewriter.flatten;

  • FromCompiler.getResolverForQuery;

  • SubqueryRewriter.transform。

简单来说这段代码通过 connection 查询表结构,将表、字段等信息设置到 ExecutableSelectStatement 中。


QueryPlan plan = new QueryCompiler(stmt, select, resolver, Collections.emptyList(),
                    stmt.getConnection().getIteratorFactory(), new SequenceManager(stmt),
                    true, false, null)
return plan;

这段代码表明,最终的 plan 是 QueryCompiler ,且调用了 compile 函数。

通过分析 compile 函数,我们得知,对于简单的 select 查询,最终创建了一个 ScanPlan 。当然了,还有很多其他类型的 plan ,这里选择一个最简单的,感兴趣的读者可以根据自己的实际情况分析其他各种场景。

QueryPlan plan = innerPlan;
QueryPlan dataPlan = dataPlans.get(tableRef);
if (plan == null) {
    ParallelIteratorFactory parallelIteratorFactory = asSubquery ? null : this.parallelIteratorFactory;
    plan = select.getFrom() == null
            ? new LiteralResultIterationPlan(context, select, tableRef, projector, limit, offset, orderBy,
                    : (select.isAggregate() || select.isDistinct()
                            ? new AggregatePlan(context, select, tableRef, projector, limit, offset, orderBy,
                                    parallelIteratorFactory, groupBy, having, dataPlan)
                            : new ScanPlan(context, select, tableRef, projector, limit, offset, orderBy,
                                    parallelIteratorFactory, allowPageFilter, dataPlan));
SelectStatement planSelect = asSubquery ? select :;
if (!subqueries.isEmpty()) {
     int count = subqueries.size();
     WhereClauseSubPlan[] subPlans = new WhereClauseSubPlan[count];
     int i = 0;
     for (SubqueryParseNode subqueryNode : subqueries) {
          SelectStatement stmt = subqueryNode.getSelectNode();
          subPlans[i++] = new WhereClauseSubPlan(compileSubquery(stmt, false), stmt, subqueryNode.expectSingleRow());
     plan = HashJoinPlan.create(planSelect, plan, null, subPlans);

if (innerPlan != null) {
    if (LiteralExpression.isTrue(where)) {
        where = null; // we do not pass "true" as filter
    plan = select.isAggregate() || select.isDistinct()
              ? new ClientAggregatePlan(context, planSelect, tableRef, projector, limit, offset, where, orderBy,
                            groupBy, having, plan)
                    : new ClientScanPlan(context, planSelect, tableRef, projector, limit, offset, where, orderBy, plan);


下面是 ScanPlan 的部分源码:

  * Query plan for a basic table scan
public class ScanPlan extends BaseQueryPlan {
      private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ScanPlan.class);
      private List<KeyRange> splits;
      private List<List<Scan>> scans;
      private boolean allowPageFilter;
      private boolean isSerial;
      private boolean isDataToScanWithinThreshold;
      private Long serialRowsEstimate;
      private Long serialBytesEstimate;
      private Long serialEstimateInfoTs;
      private OrderBy actualOutputOrderBy;

这里终于出现了我们最期待的 Scan 类型的对象。因为到这里,SQL 字符串就真正的变成了可实际执行的代码了。 这个类的 newIterator 函数要特别关注一下,因为最终由它返回 ResultIterator ,其实就是对 Scan 的封装。Scan 具体是由 SerialIterators 或 ParallelIterators 生成的,细节也不再深入研究。 再回到 executeQuery 函数内部:

ResultIterator resultIterator = plan.iterator();
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
    String explainPlan = QueryUtil.getExplainPlan(resultIterator);
    LOGGER.debug(LogUtil.addCustomAnnotations("Explain plan: " + explainPlan, connection));
StatementContext context = plan.getContext();
   queryLogger.log(QueryLogInfo.GLOBAL_SCAN_DETAILS_I, context.getScan()!=null?context.getScan().toString():null);
PhoenixResultSet rs = newResultSet(resultIterator, plan.getProjector(), plan.getContext());
// If transactional, this will move the read pointer forward
if (connection.getAutoCommit()) {
return rs;

可以看到这里生成了具体可执行、可访问的 ResultIterator ,然后被 PhoenixResultSet 封装返回。

PhoenixResultSet 代码就比较简单了,就是调用 next、get*** 处理返回的数据,不再深入分析。

到此为止,我们就大概了解 SQL 编译的过程,这里只是以最简单的查询为例,其他各种场景没有具体深入,感兴趣的读者可以自行研究。虽然简单,但并不妨碍我们对整个过程的了解和窥探,对于扩展全文检索还是有一些帮助的,至少最终的 iterator 就不能翻译成 Scan 了。


上一章简要分析了 SQL 的编译、执行过程,Phoenix 具体是如何走索引的还不清楚,下面会做简要分析。 分析 Phoenix 如何使用索引表该从哪里入手呢?

使用过 Phoenix 索引的同学一定知道,在没有提示 ( hint ) 的情况下,Phoenix 默认是不会走索引的(除非只查询索引表包含的字段)。那么肯定要从解析 hint 来入手分析,至少这是个突破口。

single_select returns [SelectStatement ret]
@init{ contextStack.push(new ParseContext()); }
    :   SELECT (h=hintClause)? 
        (d=DISTINCT | ALL)? sel=select_list
        (FROM from=parseFrom)?
        (WHERE where=expression)?
        (GROUP BY group=group_by)?
        (HAVING having=expression)?
        { ParseContext context = contextStack.peek(); $ret =, h, d!=null, sel, where, group, having, null, null,null, getBindCount(), context.isAggregate(), context.hasSequences(), null, new HashMap<String,UDFParseNode>(udfParseNodes)); }
finally{ contextStack.pop(); }

通过上面的语法定义可以知道,hintClause 是 的第二个参数。上一篇文章已经分析过这个 select ,此处就不再深入研究,但只需要找这里把 SQL 字符串中的 hint 编译成 HintNode 类。

  * Node representing optimizer hints in SQL
public class HintNode {

在 HintNode 类中有一个 Hint 枚举类,其中定义了 INDEX 。

  * Hint of the form INDEX(<table_name> <index_name>...)
  * to suggest usage of the index if possible. The first
  * usable index in the list of indexes will be choosen.
  * Table and index names may be surrounded by double quotes
  * if they are case sensitive.

关注 Hint 枚举类,主要是为了加快源码分析的步骤。其实如果读者看过上一篇文章,就一定还记得,在编译 QueryPlan 之后,还有一个 QueryOptimizer 的逻辑,如果猜的没错,就是在哪里生成了走索引的逻辑。 还是老方法,全文检索 Hint.INDEX 的使用。

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很明显就是在 QueryOptimizer 中处理的。

QueryPlan plan = stmt.compilePlan(PhoenixStatement.this, Sequence.ValueOp.VALIDATE_SEQUENCE);
// Send mutations to hbase, so they are visible to subsequent reads.
// Use original plan for data table so that data and immutable indexes will be sent
// TODO: for joins, we need to iterate through all tables, but we need the original table,
// not the projected table, so plan.getContext().getResolver().getTables() won't work.
Iterator<TableRef> tableRefs = plan.getSourceRefs().iterator();
plan = connection.getQueryServices().getOptimizer().optimize(PhoenixStatement.this, plan);
// this will create its own trace internally, so we don't wrap this
// whole thing in tracing
ResultIterator resultIterator = plan.iterator();
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
    String explainPlan = QueryUtil.getExplainPlan(resultIterator);
    LOGGER.debug(LogUtil.addCustomAnnotations("Explain plan: " + explainPlan, connection));

QueryOptimizer.optimize 方法对 QueryPlan 进行了优化,那就要仔细分析一下了。通过阅读源码,来到下面这个方法。

private List<QueryPlan> getApplicablePlans(QueryPlan dataPlan, PhoenixStatement statement, List<? extends PDatum> targetColumns, ParallelIteratorFactory parallelIteratorFactory, boolean stopAtBestPlan) throws SQLException {
        if (!useIndexes) {
            return Collections.singletonList(dataPlan);

        SelectStatement select = (SelectStatement) dataPlan.getStatement();
        if (!select.isUnion()
                && !select.isJoin()
                && select.getInnerSelectStatement() == null
                && (select.getWhere() == null || !select.getWhere().hasSubquery())) {
            return getApplicablePlansForSingleFlatQuery(dataPlan, statement, targetColumns, parallelIteratorFactory, stopAtBestPlan);

        ColumnResolver resolver = FromCompiler.getResolverForQuery(select, statement.getConnection());
        Map<TableRef, QueryPlan> dataPlans = null;

        // Find the optimal index plan for each join tables in a join query or a
        // non-correlated sub-query, then rewrite the query with found index tables.
        if (select.isJoin()
                || (select.getWhere() != null && select.getWhere().hasSubquery())) {
            JoinCompiler.JoinTable join = JoinCompiler.compile(statement, select, resolver);
            Map<TableRef, TableRef> replacement = null;
            for (JoinCompiler.Table table : join.getTables()) {
                if (table.isSubselect())
                TableRef tableRef = table.getTableRef();
                SelectStatement stmt = table.getAsSubqueryForOptimization(tableRef.equals(dataPlan.getTableRef()));
                // Replace non-correlated sub-queries in WHERE clause with dummy values
                // so the filter conditions can be taken into account in optimization.
                if (stmt.getWhere() != null && stmt.getWhere().hasSubquery()) {
                    StatementContext context =
                            new StatementContext(statement, resolver, new Scan(), new SequenceManager(statement));;
                    ParseNode dummyWhere = GenSubqueryParamValuesRewriter.replaceWithDummyValues(stmt.getWhere(), context);
                    stmt =, dummyWhere);
                // TODO: It seems inefficient to be recompiling the statement again inside of this optimize call
                QueryPlan subDataPlan =
                        new QueryCompiler(
                                statement, stmt,
                                FromCompiler.getResolverForQuery(stmt, statement.getConnection()),
                                false, false, null)
                QueryPlan subPlan = optimize(statement, subDataPlan);
                TableRef newTableRef = subPlan.getTableRef();
                if (!newTableRef.equals(tableRef)) {
                    if (replacement == null) {
                        replacement = new HashMap<TableRef, TableRef>();
                        dataPlans = new HashMap<TableRef, QueryPlan>();
                    replacement.put(tableRef, newTableRef);
                    dataPlans.put(newTableRef, subDataPlan);

            if (replacement != null) {
                select = rewriteQueryWithIndexReplacement(
                        statement.getConnection(), resolver, select, replacement);
                resolver = FromCompiler.getResolverForQuery(select, statement.getConnection());

        // Re-compile the plan with option "optimizeSubquery" turned on, so that enclosed
        // sub-queries can be optimized recursively.
        QueryCompiler compiler = new QueryCompiler(statement, select, resolver,
                targetColumns, parallelIteratorFactory, dataPlan.getContext().getSequenceManager(),
                true, true, dataPlans);
        return Collections.singletonList(compiler.compile());

简单起见,直接分析 getApplicablePlansForSingleFlatQuery,这个方法中有一个很重要的代码调用:IndexStatementRewriter.translate。

 * Rewrite the parse node by translating all data table column references to   
 * references to the corresponding index column.
 * @param node the parse node
 * @param dataResolver the column resolver
 * @return new parse node or the same one if nothing was rewritten.
 * @throws SQLException 
public static ParseNode translate(ParseNode node, ColumnResolver dataResolver) throws SQLException {
       return rewrite(node, new IndexStatementRewriter(dataResolver, null, false));

当然这里也只是提示这个函数的重要性,不对其逻辑做分析。因为还有一个非常重要的方法: getHintedQueryPlan。

private QueryPlan getHintedQueryPlan(PhoenixStatement statement, SelectStatement select, List<PTable> indexes, List<? extends PDatum> targetColumns, ParallelIteratorFactory parallelIteratorFactory, List<QueryPlan> plans) throws SQLException {
        QueryPlan dataPlan = plans.get(0);
        String indexHint = select.getHint().getHint(Hint.INDEX);
        if (indexHint == null) {
            return null;
        int startIndex = 0;
        String alias = dataPlan.getTableRef().getTableAlias();
        String prefix = HintNode.PREFIX + (alias == null ? dataPlan.getTableRef().getTable().getName().getString() : alias) + HintNode.SEPARATOR;
        while (startIndex < indexHint.length()) {
            startIndex = indexHint.indexOf(prefix, startIndex);
            if (startIndex < 0) {
                return null;
            startIndex += prefix.length();
            boolean done = false; // true when SUFFIX found
            while (startIndex < indexHint.length() && !done) {
                int endIndex;
                int endIndex1 = indexHint.indexOf(HintNode.SEPARATOR, startIndex);
                int endIndex2 = indexHint.indexOf(HintNode.SUFFIX, startIndex);
                if (endIndex1 < 0 && endIndex2 < 0) { // Missing SUFFIX shouldn't happen
                    endIndex = indexHint.length();
                } else if (endIndex1 < 0) {
                    done = true;
                    endIndex = endIndex2;
                } else if (endIndex2 < 0) {
                    endIndex = endIndex1;
                } else {
                    endIndex = Math.min(endIndex1, endIndex2);
                    done = endIndex2 == endIndex;
                String indexName = indexHint.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
                int indexPos = getIndexPosition(indexes, indexName);
                if (indexPos >= 0) {
                    // Hinted index is applicable, so return it's index
                    PTable index = indexes.get(indexPos);
                    QueryPlan plan = addPlan(statement, select, index, targetColumns, parallelIteratorFactory, dataPlan, true);
                    if (plan != null) {
                        return plan;
                startIndex = endIndex + 1;
        return null;

这个方法逻辑很长,但都是在解析处理 hint 字符串,个人感觉这个地方还是可以优化的,毕竟如果在语法文件里面定义好 hint 的解析规则,这里就不用那么麻烦。下面是 hint 的语法定义,也是佐证了我们的猜想。

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上面代码最重要的就是调用 addPlan 方法,这个方法还是比较复杂的。

简要分析其逻辑来看,就是根据索引和当前的 select 查询语句,重新构造了 SelectStatement 对象,调用  ParseNodeRewriter.rewrite,对其进行重写,最终调用 QueryCompiler 编译成可执行的代码。

ParseNodeRewriter.rewrite 的第二个参数非常重要,具体的重写逻辑由其完成。如果我们新增全文检索,在重写时可能需要扩展这个类的功能。

  * Used to replace parse nodes in a SelectStatement that match expressions that are present in an indexed with the
  * corresponding {@link ColumnParseNode}
public class IndexExpressionParseNodeRewriter extends ParseNodeRewriter {

此类定义 indexedParseNodeToColumnParseNodeMap,

然后重写 leaveCompoundNode。

protected ParseNode leaveCompoundNode(CompoundParseNode node, List<ParseNode> children, CompoundNodeFactory factory) {
          return indexedParseNodeToColumnParseNodeMap.containsKey(node) ? indexedParseNodeToColumnParseNodeMap.get(node)
                : super.leaveCompoundNode(node, children, factory);


今天就先分析到这里,虽然很多地方都没有研究清楚,但并不妨碍我们了解 Phoenix 使用索引的过程,至少我们知道是通过重写了 QueryPlan 来实现的。后面我们会通过动态调试的形式,来追踪 Phoenix 究竟是如何重写 QueryPlan 的,这样我们在扩展全文索引的时候,就知道该从何处下手了。





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[ 美]杰瑞•卡普兰(Jerry Kaplan) / 李盼 / 浙江人民出版社 / 2016-4-1 / CNY 59.90

 当机器人霸占了你的工作,你该怎么办?机器人犯罪,谁才该负责?人工智能时代,人类价值如何重新定义?  在《人工智能时代》一书中,智能时代领军人、硅谷连续创业者杰瑞·卡普兰指出:智能时代的到来,给人类社会带来了两大灾难性冲击:持续性失业与不断加剧的贫富差距。机器正在很大程度上替代人类的工作,不管你是蓝领还是白领。而针对未来社会将要发生的这些问题,卡普兰在《人工智能时代》一书中从企业、税收和......一起来看看 《人工智能时代》 这本书的介绍吧!

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