SexyJson:超性感 JSON 解析开源库(Swift)

栏目: Swift · 发布时间: 6年前

内容简介:SexyJson:超性感 JSON 解析开源库(Swift)


SexyJson is Swift3.+ json parse open source library quickly and easily, perfect supporting class and struct model, support the KVC model, fully oriented protocol architecture, support iOS and MAC OS X

Objective-c version :point_right: WHC_Model


  • The definition of model must implement SexyJson protocol
  • If you have any enumeration type must be specified in the definition of model data type and implementation SexyJsonEnumType protocol
  • To KVC model must inherit NSObject and NSCoding protocol implementation


  • iOS 8.0+ / Mac OS X 10.11+ / tvOS 9.0+
  • Xcode 8.0 or later
  • Swift 3.0+


  • CocoaPods: pod 'SexyJson'


This is an example of json:

let json = "{\"age\":25,\"enmuStr\":\"Work\",\"url\":\"https:\\/\\/\",

The model class:

enum WorkEnum: String,SexyJsonEnumType {
    case null = "nil"
    case one = "Work"
    case two = "Not Work"

enum IntEnum: Int,SexyJsonEnumType {
    case zero = 0
    case hao = 10
    case xxx = 20

struct Model :SexyJson {

    var age: Int = 0
    var enmuStr: WorkEnum!
    var url: URL!
    var subArray: [SubArray]!
    var color: UIColor!
    var nestArray: [[NestArray]]?
    var enmuInt: IntEnum = .xxx
    var sub: Sub!
    var height: Int = 0
    var intArray: [Int]!
    var name: String!
    var learn: [String]!

    /// Model mapping
    public mutating func sexyMap(_ map: [String : Any]) {
        age      <<<   map["age"]
        enmuStr  <<<   map["enmuStr"]
        url      <<<   map["url"]
        subArray <<<   map["subArray"]
        color    <<<   map["color"]
        nestArray <<<  map["nestArray"]
        enmuInt   <<<  map["enmuInt"]
        sub       <<<  map["sub"]
        height    <<<  map["height"]
        intArray  <<<  map["intArray"]
        name      <<<  map["name"]
        learn     <<<  map["learn"]

You don't need to manually create the SexyJson model class you can use open source tools with the help of automatically created SexyJson model


Json is converted into a model object(json -> model)

let model = Model.sexy_json(json)

Model object converted into the dictionary(model -> dictionary)

let dictionary = model.sexy_dictionary()

Model object converted into the json string(model -> json)

let jsonStr = model.sexy_json()

SexyJson support json parse the key path

let subArrayModel = SubArray.sexy_json(json, keyPath: "subArray[0]")
let subNestArray = NestArray.sexy_json(json, keyPath: "nestArray[0][0]")
let test = String.sexy_json(json, keyPath: "nestArray[0][0].test")

Json is converted into a model array object(json -> [model])

let arrayModel = [Model].sexy_json(json)

Model object array converted into the array([model] -> array)

let array = arrayModel.sexy_array()

Model object array converted into the json string([model] -> json)

let arrayJson = arrayModel.sexy_json()

SexyJson support model kvc

let sub = Sub.sexy_json(json, keyPath: "sub")
let subData = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: sub!)
let subCoding = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObject(with: subData) as? Sub
let subPy = subCoding?.copy() as? Sub


If you want to view the analytical results, please download this demo to check the specific usage


All source code is licensed under the MIT License.

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






Nathan Furr、Paul Ahlstrom / 七印部落 / 华中科技大学出版社 / 2014-4-20 / 38.00元

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