内容简介:新版包括了一系列新的特性和性能改进。主要变化包括:rescue/else/ensure 允许直接与 do/end 块使用,yield 增加 yield_self,Struct.new 能创建接受关键字参数的类,最高级常量查询不再可用,移除所有 trace 指令...
新版包括了一系列新的特性和性能改进。主要变化包括:rescue/else/ensure 允许直接与 do/end 块使用,yield 增加 yield_self,Struct.new 能创建接受关键字参数的类,最高级常量查询不再可用,移除所有 trace 指令提升 5-10% 性能,SecureRandom 将更偏向使用操作系统提供的 SSL 库
rescue/else/ensure 允许直接与 do/end 块使用。 [Feature #12906]
yield 增加 yield_self。 [Feature #6721]
支持分行覆盖范围和方法覆盖率测量。The branch coverage indicates which branches are executed and which are not. The method coverage indicates which methods are invoked and which are not. By running the test suite with these new features, you will know which branches and methods are executed, and evaluate total coverage of the test suite more strictly. [Feature #13901]
Hash#slice [Feature #8499] and Hash#transform_keys [Feature #13583]
Struct.new 能创建接受关键字参数的类。 [Feature #11925]
枚举 #any?,all?,none? and one? 接收模式参数 [Feature #11286]
顶层常量查找不可用。[Feature #11547]
pp.rb 现在自动加载。 [Feature #14123]
Print backtrace and error message in reverse order (oldest call first, most recent call last). When a long backtrace appears on your terminal (TTY), you can easily find the cause line at the bottom of the backtrace. Note that the order is reversed only when backtrace is printed out to the terminal directly. [Feature #8661] [experimental]
About 5-10% performance improvement by removing all trace instructions from overall bytecode (instruction sequences).The trace instruction was added to support the TracePoint. However, in most cases, TracePoint is not used and trace instructions are pure overhead. Instead, now we use a dynamic instrumentation technique. See [Feature #14104] for more details.
Block passing by a block parameter (e.g. def foo(&b); bar(&b); end) is about 3 times faster than Ruby 2.4 by “Lazy Proc allocation” technique. [Feature #14045]
Mutex is rewritten to be smaller and faster. [Feature #13517]
ERB now generates code from a template which runs twice as fast as Ruby 2.4.
Improve performance of some built-in methods including Array#concat, Enumerable#sort_by, String#concat, String#index, Time#+ and more.
IO.copy_stream uses copy_file_range(2) to copy offload [Feature #13867]
SecureRandom now prefers OS-provided sources over OpenSSL. [Bug #9569]
Promote cmath, csv, date, dbm, etc, fcntl, fiddle, fileutils, gdbm, ipaddr, scanf, sdbm, stringio, strscan, webrick, zlib from standard libraries to default gems.
Update to Onigmo 6.1.3.
It adds the absence operator.
Note that Ruby 2.4.1 also includes this change.
Update to Psych 3.0.2.
Update to RubyGems 2.7.3.
Update to RDoc 6.0.1.
Switchthelexer from IRB based one to Ripper. This dramatically improves the performance of document generation.
Fix a significant amount of bugs that existed over ten years.
Add support for new Ruby syntax from the latest versions.
Update supported Unicode version to 10.0.0.
Thread.report_on_exception is now set to true by default. This change helps debugging of multi-threaded programs. [Feature #14143]
IO#write now receives multiple arguments [Feature #9323]
更多内容请查看 NEWS 或者 commit logs 。
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Ruby 2.5.0 发布,提升 5-10% 性能》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
Effective C++
[美]Scott Meyers / 侯捷 / 电子工业出版社 / 2006-7 / 58.00元
《Effective C++:改善程序与设计的55个具体做法》(中文版)(第3版)一共组织55个准则,每一条准则描述一个编写出更好的C++的方式。每一个条款的背后都有具体范例支撑。第三版有一半以上的篇幅是崭新内容,包括讨论资源管理和模板(templates)运用的两个新章。为反映出现代设计考虑,对第二版论题做了广泛的修订,包括异常(exceptions)、设计模式(design patterns)......一起来看看 《Effective C++》 这本书的介绍吧!
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