内容简介:最近接触到的需求,前端生成一个带企业logo的二维码,并支持点击下载它。在前面的文章有讲到如何用 canvas 画二维码,在此基础上再画一个公司logo,并提供下载的方法供调用,再封装成 npm 插件模块名称:
在前面的文章有讲到如何用 canvas 画二维码,在此基础上再画一个公司logo,并提供下载的方法供调用,再封装成 npm 插件
模块名称: qrcode-with-logos
github地址: https://github.com/zxpsuper/qrcode-with-logos
npm地址: https://www.npmjs.com/package/qrcode-with-logos
将整个封装成一个 QrCodeWithLogo
interface IQrCodeWithLogo { toCanvas(): Promise<any>; toImage(): Promise<any>; downloadImage(name: string): void; } class QrCodeWithLogo implements IQrCodeWithLogo { option: BaseOptions; constructor(option: BaseOptions) { this.option = option; return this; } toCanvas = () => { return toCanvas.call(this, this.option); }; toImage = () => { return toImage.call(this, this.option); }; downloadImage = (name: string) => { saveImage(this.option.image, name); }; }
1. toCanvas()
此方法用到了库 qrcode
的 toCanvas
export const toCanvas = (options: BaseOptions) => { return renderQrCode(options) .then(() => options) .then(drawLogo); };
这里先用 qrcode
import QRCode = require("qrcode"); const toCanvas = promisify(QRCode.toCanvas); export const renderQrCode = ({ canvas, content, width = 0, nodeQrCodeOptions = {} }: BaseOptions) => { // 容错率,默认对内容少的二维码采用高容错率,内容多的二维码采用低容错率 // according to the content length to choose different errorCorrectionLevel nodeQrCodeOptions.errorCorrectionLevel = nodeQrCodeOptions.errorCorrectionLevel || getErrorCorrectionLevel(content); return getOriginWidth(content, nodeQrCodeOptions).then((_width: number) => { // 得到原始比例后还原至设定值,再放大4倍以获取高清图 // Restore to the set value according to the original ratio, and then zoom in 4 times to get the HD image. nodeQrCodeOptions.scale = width === 0 ? undefined : (width / _width) * 4; // @ts-ignore return toCanvas(canvas, content, nodeQrCodeOptions); }); };
promisify()是封装的一个方法,用于减少return promise时的代码,方便书写
export const promisify = (f: Function): Function => { return function() { const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { args.push(function(err: object, result: object) { if (err) reject(err); else resolve(result); }); f.apply(null, args); }); }; };
画出canvas,紧接着判断是否有logo, 如果有就画logo,这里有两种模式:
ctx.drawImage(image, logoXY, logoXY, logoWidth, logoWidth); ctx.createPattern(canvasImage, "no-repeat");
export const drawLogo = ({ canvas, content, logo }: BaseOptions) => { if (!logo) { return; } // @ts-ignore const canvasWidth = canvas.width; const { logoSize = 0.15, borderColor = "#ffffff", bgColor = borderColor || "#ffffff", borderSize = 0.05, crossOrigin, borderRadius = 8, logoRadius = 0 } = logo; let logoSrc = typeof logo === "string" ? logo : logo.src; let logoWidth = canvasWidth * logoSize; let logoXY = (canvasWidth * (1 - logoSize)) / 2; let logoBgWidth = canvasWidth * (logoSize + borderSize); let logoBgXY = (canvasWidth * (1 - logoSize - borderSize)) / 2; // @ts-ignore const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); // logo 底色, draw logo background color canvasRoundRect(ctx)( logoBgXY, logoBgXY, logoBgWidth, logoBgWidth, borderRadius ); ctx.fillStyle = bgColor; ctx.fill(); // logo const image = new Image(); if (crossOrigin || logoRadius) { image.setAttribute("crossOrigin", crossOrigin || "anonymous"); } image.src = logoSrc; // 使用image绘制可以避免某些跨域情况 // Use image drawing to avoid some cross-domain situations const drawLogoWithImage = (image: any) => { ctx.drawImage(image, logoXY, logoXY, logoWidth, logoWidth); }; // 使用canvas绘制以获得更多的功能 // Use canvas to draw more features, such as borderRadius const drawLogoWithCanvas = (image: any) => { const canvasImage = document.createElement("canvas"); canvasImage.width = logoXY + logoWidth; canvasImage.height = logoXY + logoWidth; canvasImage .getContext("2d") .drawImage(image, logoXY, logoXY, logoWidth, logoWidth); canvasRoundRect(ctx)(logoXY, logoXY, logoWidth, logoWidth, logoRadius); ctx.fillStyle = ctx.createPattern(canvasImage, "no-repeat"); ctx.fill(); }; // 将 logo绘制到 canvas上 // Draw the logo on the canvas return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { image.onload = () => { logoRadius ? drawLogoWithCanvas(image) : drawLogoWithImage(image); resolve(); }; }); };
2. toImage()
此方法利用之前的 toCanvas()
方法,生成canvas后拿到 canvas.toDataURL()
的值,赋给 <img>
的 src
即可。这里,我们加入了 download
属性用于下载,因此在 toImage()
export const toImage = (options: BaseOptions) => { const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); console.log("options", options); options.canvas = canvas; if (options.logo) { if (isString(options.logo)) { // @ts-ignore options.logo = { src: options.logo }; } // @ts-ignore options.logo.crossOrigin = "Anonymous"; } // @ts-ignore return toCanvas(options).then(() => { const { image = new Image(), downloadName = "qr-code" } = options; let { download } = options; // @ts-ignore image.src = canvas.toDataURL(); if (download !== true && !isFunction(download)) { return; } download = download === true ? (start: Function) => start() : download; const startDownload: Function = () => { saveImage(image, downloadName); }; download && download(startDownload); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve(); }); }); }; export const saveImage = (image: Element, name: string) => { // @ts-ignore const dataURL = image.src; const link = document.createElement("a"); link.download = name; link.href = dataURL; link.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click")); };
3. downloadImage(name)
提供一个主动调用下载图片的方法,传入文件名name, 其中用到 saveImage()
方法,这个在 toImage()
下载文件的流程是:生成一个 <a>
标签, 设置 href
值为 image
的 src
值, download
属性赋值文件名,然后给 <a>
downloadImage = (name: string) => { saveImage(this.option.image, name); };
npm 发布
初次尝试 typescript
, 用的不够优美但无妨使用。 npm run build
构建出支持 umd 的文件,然后 npm login
, npm publish
即可。webpack 配置可查看 github 代码。
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas> <img src="" alt="" id="image" /> <img id="image" alt="">
npm 模块导入:
import QrCodeWithLogo from "qrcode-with-logos"; let qrcode = new QrCodeWithLogo({ canvas: document.getElementById("canvas"), content: "https://github.com/zxpsuper", width: 380, // download: true, image: document.getElementById("image"), logo: { src: "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/28730619?s=460&v=4" } }); qrcode.toCanvas().then(() => { qrcode.toImage().then(() => { setTimeout(() => { qrcode.downloadImage("hello world"); }, 2000); }); });
当然你也可以 <script>
<script src="https://zxpsuper.github.io/qrcode-with-logos/dist/QRcode-with-logo.js"></script> <script> let qrcode = new QrCodeWithLogo({ canvas: document.getElementById("canvas"), content: "https://github.com/zxpsuper", width: 380, // download: true, image: document.getElementById("image"), logo: { src: "https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/28730619?s=460&v=4" } }); qrcode.toCanvas().then(() => { qrcode.toImage().then(() => { setTimeout(() => { qrcode.downloadImage("hello world"); }, 2000); }); }); </script>
That is all.
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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王洪波 / 电子工业出版社 / 2018-6 / 59
本书是运营管理方面的书籍,将小程序的运营推广问题置千小程序的整个运营管理体系中来谈,主要讲述小程序的定位规划、营销吸粉策略、评估优化这三大方面的内容,这三方面的内容之间是三位一体、密切相关的。 书中通过列举丰富且具有代表性的小程序实际案例来向读者提供些可行的运营推广办法。案例涉及美食类、电商类、旅游类、媒体类等小程序,可供多个行业的小程序运营者参考借鉴。 书中所提供的各种小程序营销策略......一起来看看 《微信小程序运营与推广完全自学手册》 这本书的介绍吧!