- 打开图片并将图片绘制到canvas中;
- 利用canvas的drawImage()函数来裁剪图片;
- 将canvas转化为Image即可。
<div id="container"> <div id="btnDiv"> <button id="btn1">截图</button> <button id="btn2">确认截图</button> <button id="btn3">打开</button> </div> <div id="imgDiv"></div> <div id="clipImgDiv"></div> </div>
<style> body { background-color: black; } </style>
let originWidth; // 图片原始宽度 let originHeight; // 图片原始高度 let container = document.getElementById('container'); let imgDiv = document.getElementById('imgDiv'); // 存放mycanvas let btnDiv = document.getElementById('btnDiv'); let clipImgDiv = document.getElementById('clipImgDiv'); // 显示裁剪所获的图片 let btn1 = document.getElementById('btn1'); // 截图按钮 let btn2 = document.getElementById('btn2'); // 确认截图按钮 let btn3 = document.getElementById('btn3'); // 打开文件按钮 var oRelDiv = document.createElement("div"); // 截图框 var scaleX = 1;// 图片宽度缩放比例(当前实际/原始) var scaleY = 1; // 图片高度缩放比例(当前实际/原始) //拖拽与拉伸方法 //拖拽拉伸所需参数 let params = { left: 0, top: 0, width: 0, height: 0, currentX: 0, currentY: 0, flag: false, kind: "drag" }; // CSS样式修改 container.style.display = 'flex'; container.style.flexDirection = 'column'; btnDiv.style.marginBottom = '20px'; btnDiv.style.height = '30px'; imgDiv.style.marginBottom = '20px'; // 创建canvas,用于显示被裁剪图片 var myCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); myCanvas.setAttribute('id', 'myCanvas'); myCanvas.style.display = 'block'; /*myCanvas.style.position = 'absolute';*/ myCanvas.width = 600; myCanvas.height = 600; myCanvas.style.border = "1px solid #d3d3d3"; myCanvas.innerText = '您的浏览器不支持 HTML5 canvas 标签。'; myCanvas.style.zIndex = 'auto'; var ctx = myCanvas.getContext('2d'); // 被裁剪图片 var img = new Image(); img.src = './images/IMG_1550.jpg'; img.setAttribute('id', 'img'); img.width = 600; img.height = 600; img.onload = function () { console.log('onload()执行...'); ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, 600, 600); originWidth = img.naturalWidth; originHeight = img.naturalHeight; console.log('图片原始宽度=', originWidth); console.log('图片原始高度=', originHeight); }; // 裁剪得到的图片 let clipImg = new Image(); clipImg.src = ''; clipImg.style.height = '100px'; clipImg.style.width = '100px'; clipImg.alt = '裁剪获得图片...'; // input用于打开文件 let fileInput = document.createElement('input'); fileInput.setAttribute('multiple', 'multiple'); fileInput.setAttribute('type', 'file'); fileInput.setAttribute('id', 'fileInput'); /*btnDiv.appendChild(fileInput);*/ imgDiv.appendChild(myCanvas); /*clipImgDiv.appendChild(clipImg);*/
// 生成本地图片URL地址 let getObjectURL = function (file) { let url = null; if (window.createObjectURL !== undefined) { // basic url = window.createObjectURL(file); } else if (window.webkitURL !== undefined) { // webkit or chrome url = window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(file); } else if (window.URL !== undefined) { // mozilla(firefox) url = window.URL.createObjectURL(file); } return url; }; // 获取指定元素DOM const ID = function (id) { return document.getElementById(id); }; //获取相关CSS属性方法 let getCss = function (o, key) { return o.currentStyle ? o.currentStyle[key] : document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(o, false)[key]; };
// 打开本地图片 fileInput.addEventListener('change', function () { console.log('change()执行...'); img.src = getObjectURL(this.files[0]); }); btn3.addEventListener("click", function () { fileInput.click(); });
btn1.addEventListener("click", function () { var clickFlag = false; // 获取canvas中图片实际大小 var iCurWidth = img.width; var iCurHeight = img.height; console.log('图片当前实际宽度=', iCurWidth); console.log('图片当前实际高度=', iCurHeight); // 可调整截图框 oRelDiv.innerHTML = ''; oRelDiv.style.position = "absolute"; oRelDiv.style.width = iCurWidth + "px"; oRelDiv.style.height = iCurHeight + "px"; oRelDiv.style.top = myCanvas.offsetTop + 'px'; console.log('oRelDiv.style.top = ', oRelDiv.style.top); oRelDiv.id = "cropContainer"; var iOrigWidth = originWidth; var iOrigHeight = originHeight; scaleX = iCurWidth / iOrigWidth; // 图片宽度缩放比例(当前实际/原始) scaleY = iCurHeight / iOrigHeight; // 图片高度缩放比例(当前实际/原始) console.log('图片横向(宽度)缩放比=', scaleX); console.log('图片纵向(高度)缩放比=', scaleY); // 将oRelDiv插入到myCanvas前 myCanvas.parentNode.insertBefore(oRelDiv, myCanvas); //初始化坐标与剪裁高宽 var cropW = 80; //截图框默认宽度 var cropH = 80; //截图框默认高度 /*console.log('myCanvas.offsetLeft=', myCanvas.offsetLeft); console.log('myCanvas.offsetTop=', myCanvas.offsetTop);*/ var posX = myCanvas.width / 2 - cropW / 2; // 截图框左上角x坐标 var posY = myCanvas.height / 2 - cropH / 2; // 截图框左上角y坐标 /*console.log('posX=',posX); console.log('posY=',posY);*/ oRelDiv.innerHTML = '<div id="zxxCropBox" style="height:' + cropH + 'px; width:' + cropW + 'px; position:absolute; left:' + posX + 'px; top:' + posY + 'px; border:1px solid black;">' + '<div id="zxxDragBg" style="height:100%; background:white; opacity:0.3; filter:alpha(opacity=30); cursor:move"></div>' + '<div id="dragLeftTop" style="position:absolute; width:4px; height:4px; border:1px solid #000; background:white; overflow:hidden; left:-3px; top:-3px; cursor:nw-resize;"></div>' + '<div id="dragLeftBot" style="position:absolute; width:4px; height:4px; border:1px solid #000; background:white; overflow:hidden; left:-3px; bottom:-3px; cursor:sw-resize;"></div>' + '<div id="dragRightTop" style="position:absolute; width:4px; height:4px; border:1px solid #000; background:white; overflow:hidden; right:-3px; top:-3px; cursor:ne-resize;"></div>' + '<div id="dragRightBot" style="position:absolute; width:4px; height:4px; border:1px solid #000; background:white; overflow:hidden; right:-3px; bottom:-3px; cursor:se-resize;"></div>' + '<div id="dragTopCenter" style="position:absolute; width:4px; height:4px; border:1px solid #000; background:white; overflow:hidden; top:-3px; left:50%; margin-left:-3px; cursor:n-resize;"></div>' + '<div id="dragBotCenter" style="position:absolute; width:4px; height:4px; border:1px solid #000; background:white; overflow:hidden; bottom:-3px; left:50%; margin-left:-3px; cursor:s-resize;"></div>' + '<div id="dragRightCenter" style="position:absolute; width:4px; height:4px; border:1px solid #000; background:white; overflow:hidden; right:-3px; top:50%; margin-top:-3px; cursor:e-resize;"></div> ' + '<div id="dragLeftCenter" style="position:absolute; width:4px; height:4px; border:1px solid #000; background:white; overflow:hidden; left:-3px; top:50%; margin-top:-3px; cursor:w-resize;"></div>' + '</div>' + '<input type="text" id="cropPosX" value="' + posX / scaleX + '" style="position:relative; top: -26px; width: 30px"/>' + '<input type="text" id="cropPosY" value="' + posY / scaleY + '" style="position:relative; top: -26px; width: 30px"/>' + '<input type="text" id="cropImageWidth" value="' + cropW / scaleX + '" style="position:relative; top: -26px; width: 30px"/>' + '<input type="text" id="cropImageHeight" value="' + cropH / scaleY + '" style="position:relative; top: -26px; width: 30px"/>'; var startDrag = function (point, target, kind) { //point是拉伸点,target是被拉伸的目标,其高度及位置会发生改变 //此处的target与上面拖拽的target是同一目标,故其params.left,params.top可以共用,也必须共用 //初始化宽高 params.width = getCss(target, "width"); params.height = getCss(target, "height"); //初始化坐标 if (getCss(target, "left") !== "auto") { params.left = getCss(target, "left"); } if (getCss(target, "top") !== "auto") { params.top = getCss(target, "top"); } //target是移动对象 point.onmousedown = function (event) { params.kind = kind; params.flag = true; clickFlag = true; if (!event) { event = window.event; } var e = event; params.currentX = e.clientX; //鼠标按下时坐标x轴 params.currentY = e.clientY; //鼠标按下时坐标y轴 /*console.log('params.currentX=', params.currentX); console.log('params.currentY=', params.currentY);*/ //防止IE文字选中,有助于拖拽平滑 point.onselectstart = function () { return false; }; document.onmousemove = function (event) { let e = event ? event : window.event; clickFlag = false; if (params.flag) { var nowX = e.clientX; // 鼠标移动时x坐标 var nowY = e.clientY; // 鼠标移动时y坐标 var disX = nowX - params.currentX; // 鼠标x方向移动距离 var disY = nowY - params.currentY; // 鼠标y方向移动距离 if (params.kind === "n") { //上拉伸 //高度增加或减小,位置上下移动 target.style.top = parseInt(params.top) + disY + "px"; target.style.height = parseInt(params.height) - disY + "px"; } else if (params.kind === "w") { //左拉伸 target.style.left = parseInt(params.left) + disX + "px"; target.style.width = parseInt(params.width) - disX + "px"; } else if (params.kind === "e") { //右拉伸 target.style.width = parseInt(params.width) + disX + "px"; } else if (params.kind === "s") { //下拉伸 target.style.height = parseInt(params.height) + disY + "px"; } else if (params.kind === "nw") { //左上拉伸 target.style.left = parseInt(params.left) + disX + "px"; target.style.width = parseInt(params.width) - disX + "px"; target.style.top = parseInt(params.top) + disY + "px"; target.style.height = parseInt(params.height) - disY + "px"; } else if (params.kind === "ne") { //右上拉伸 target.style.top = parseInt(params.top) + disY + "px"; target.style.height = parseInt(params.height) - disY + "px"; target.style.width = parseInt(params.width) + disX + "px"; } else if (params.kind === "sw") { //左下拉伸 target.style.left = parseInt(params.left) + disX + "px"; target.style.width = parseInt(params.width) - disX + "px"; target.style.height = parseInt(params.height) + disY + "px"; } else if (params.kind === "se") { //右下拉伸 target.style.width = parseInt(params.width) + disX + "px"; target.style.height = parseInt(params.height) + disY + "px"; } else { //移动 target.style.left = parseInt(params.left) + disX + "px"; target.style.top = parseInt(params.top) + disY + "px"; } } document.onmouseup = function () { params.flag = false; if (getCss(target, "left") !== "auto") { params.left = getCss(target, "left"); } if (getCss(target, "top") !== "auto") { params.top = getCss(target, "top"); } params.width = getCss(target, "width"); params.height = getCss(target, "height"); /*console.log('params.width=', params.width); console.log('params.height', params.width);*/ //给隐藏文本框赋值 posX = parseInt(target.style.left); posY = parseInt(target.style.top); cropW = parseInt(target.style.width); cropH = parseInt(target.style.height); if (posX < 0) { posX = 0; } if (posY < 0) { posY = 0; } if ((posX + cropW) > iCurWidth) { cropW = iCurWidth - posX; } if ((posY + cropH) > iCurHeight) { cropH = iCurHeight - posY; } //赋值 ID("cropPosX").value = posX; ID("cropPosY").value = posY; ID("cropImageWidth").value = parseInt(ID("zxxCropBox").style.width); ID("cropImageHeight").value = parseInt(ID("zxxCropBox").style.height); /*console.log('posX=',posX); console.log('posY=',posY);*/ }; } }; }; //绑定拖拽 startDrag(ID("zxxDragBg"), ID("zxxCropBox"), "drag"); //绑定拉伸 startDrag(ID("dragLeftTop"), ID("zxxCropBox"), "nw"); startDrag(ID("dragLeftBot"), ID("zxxCropBox"), "sw"); startDrag(ID("dragRightTop"), ID("zxxCropBox"), "ne"); startDrag(ID("dragRightBot"), ID("zxxCropBox"), "se"); startDrag(ID("dragTopCenter"), ID("zxxCropBox"), "n"); startDrag(ID("dragBotCenter"), ID("zxxCropBox"), "s"); startDrag(ID("dragRightCenter"), ID("zxxCropBox"), "e"); startDrag(ID("dragLeftCenter"), ID("zxxCropBox"), "w"); //图片不能被选中,目的在于使拖拽顺滑 ID("myCanvas").onselectstart = function () { return false; }; img.onselectstart = function () { return false; }; });
function cropImage(img, cropPosX, cropPosY, width, height) { /*var cropContainer = ID("cropContainer"); cropContainer.parentNode.removeChild(cropContainer);*/ /*ctx.clearRect(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height);*/ //sx,sy 是相对于图片的坐标。巨坑 var newCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); newCanvas.setAttribute('id', 'newCanvas'); newCanvas.width = width * scaleX; newCanvas.height = height * scaleY; newCanvas.style.border = "1px solid #d3d3d3"; var newCtx = newCanvas.getContext('2d'); clipImgDiv.appendChild(newCanvas); newCtx.drawImage(img, cropPosX, cropPosY, width, height, 0, 0, width * scaleX, height * scaleY); // canvas转化为图片 var newImage = new Image(); newImage.src = newCanvas.toDataURL("image/png"); newImage.style.marginLeft = '5px'; clipImgDiv.appendChild(newImage); oRelDiv.innerHTML = ''; }
// 确认截图 btn2.addEventListener("click", function () { console.log("clipend......"); var x = document.getElementById("cropPosX").value; var y = document.getElementById("cropPosY").value; var w = document.getElementById("cropImageWidth").value; var h = document.getElementById("cropImageHeight").value; console.log('cropImage(img,', x, ',', y, ',', parseInt(w), ',', parseInt(h), ')'); cropImage(img, x / scaleX, y / scaleY, parseInt(w) / scaleX, parseInt(h) / scaleY); });
参考文章: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_3870...
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
Peter Saint-Andre、Kevin Smith、Remko TronCon / O'Reilly Media / 2009-5-4 / USD 39.99
This practical book provides everything you need to know about the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP). This open technology for real-time communication is used in many diverse applicati......一起来看看 《XMPP》 这本书的介绍吧!