适用于场景: 读写次数不确定的场景(读写次数没有明显区别),同时只能一个读或者写
package main import ( "fmt" "sync" "runtime" ) func main() { runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU()) for i := 0; i <= 100; i++ { wg.Add(1) go add(i) } wg.Wait() } var s = 1000 var lock sync.Mutex var wg = &sync.WaitGroup{} func add(count int) { lock.Lock() fmt.Printf("加锁----第%d个携程\n", count) for i := 0; i < 4; i++ { s++ fmt.Printf("j %d gorount %d \n", s, count) } fmt.Printf("解锁----第%d个携程\n", count) wg.Done() defer lock.Unlock() }
运行命令:go run -race main.go 并未出现竞争
go run -race te.go 加锁----第0个携程 j 1001 gorount 0 j 1002 gorount 0 j 1003 gorount 0 j 1004 gorount 0 解锁----第0个携程 加锁----第1个携程 j 1005 gorount 1 j 1006 gorount 1 j 1007 gorount 1 j 1008 gorount 1 解锁----第1个携程 加锁----第2个携程 j 1009 gorount 2 j 1010 gorount 2 j 1011 gorount 2 j 1012 gorount 2 解锁----第2个携程 加锁----第3个携程 j 1013 gorount 3 j 1014 gorount 3 j 1015 gorount 3 j 1016 gorount 3 解锁----第3个携程 加锁----第4个携程 j 1017 gorount 4 j 1018 gorount 4 j 1019 gorount 4 j 1020 gorount 4 解锁----第4个携程 加锁----第5个携程 j 1021 gorount 5 j 1022 gorount 5 j 1023 gorount 5 j 1024 gorount 5 解锁----第5个携程
package main import ( "fmt" "sync" "runtime" ) func main() { runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU()) for i := 0; i <= 100; i++ { wg.Add(1) go add(i) } wg.Wait() } var s = 1000 var lock sync.Mutex var wg = &sync.WaitGroup{} func add(count int) { //lock.Lock() fmt.Printf("加锁----第%d个携程\n", count) for i := 0; i < 4; i++ { s++ fmt.Printf("j %d gorount %d \n", s, count) } fmt.Printf("解锁----第%d个携程\n", count) wg.Done() //defer lock.Unlock() }
运行命令:go run -race main.go 出现竞争
解锁----第53个携程 ================== WARNING: DATA RACE Read at 0x0000011e04b0 by goroutine 48: main.add() /Users/lee/goworkspace/src/th/mutex/main.go:27 +0xc9 Previous write at 0x0000011e04b0 by goroutine 54: main.add() /Users/lee/goworkspace/src/th/mutex/main.go:27 +0xe5 Goroutine 48 (running) created at: main.main() /Users/lee/goworkspace/src/th/mutex/main.go:13 +0x8c Goroutine 54 (running) created at:
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Modeling the Internet and the Web
Pierre Baldi、Paolo Frasconi、Padhraic Smyth / Wiley / 2003-7-7 / USD 115.00
Modeling the Internet and the Web covers the most important aspects of modeling the Web using a modern mathematical and probabilistic treatment. It focuses on the information and application layers, a......一起来看看 《Modeling the Internet and the Web》 这本书的介绍吧!