当浏览者访问一个网页时,浏览者的浏览器会向网页所在服务器发出请求。当浏览器接收并显示网页前,此网页所在的服务器会返回一个包含HTTP状态码的信息头(server header)用以响应浏览器的请求。
When a visitor visits a webpage, the browser of the visitor makes a request to the server where the webpage is located. When the browser receives and displays the web page, the server on which the web page resides returns a server header containing the HTTP status code to respond to the browser's request.
200 - 请求成功
301 - 资源(网页等)被永久转移到其它URL
404 - 请求的资源(网页等)不存在
500 - 内部服务器错误
http common HTTP status code:
200 - The request was successful
301 - Resources (web pages, etc.) are permanently transferred to other URLs
404 - The requested resource (webpage, etc.) does not exist
500 - Internal server error
http status code classification
The http status code consists of three decimal digits. The first decimal digit defines the type of status code. The last two digits have no classification. HTTP status code is divided into 5 types: classification description
1 **: information, the server receives the request, the requester need to continue to operate
2 **: On success, the operation was successfully received and processed
3 **: Redirect, requires further action to complete the request
4 **: client error, request contains a syntax error or can not complete the request
5 **: server error, the server has encountered an error while processing the request
506:由《透明内容协商协议》(RFC 2295)扩展,代表服务器存在内部配置错误:被请求的协商变元资源被配置为在透明内容协商中使用自己,因此在一个协商处理中不是一个合适的重点。
507:服务器无法存储完成请求所必须的内容。这个状况被认为是临时的。WebDAV (RFC 4918)
510:获取资源所需要的策略并没有没满足。(RFC 2774)
HTTP Status Code Table (Version 1)
100: continue. Clients should continue their request
101: Switch the protocol. The server switches the protocol according to the client's request. You can only switch to more advanced protocols, for example, to switch to the new version of HTTP
2 The beginning of the status code
200: The request was successful. Generally used for GET and POST requests
201: Created. Successfully requested and created new resource
202: Accepted. Already accepted the request but did not process it
203: unauthorized information. The request is successful. But the meta-information returned is not a copy of the original server, but a copy
204: No content. The server processed successfully but did not return content. Without updating the page, make sure that the browser continues to display the current document
205: Reset content. If the server is successfully processed, the user terminal (for example, browser) should reset the document view. This return code can be used to clear the browser's form fields
206: part of the content. The server successfully processed part of the GET request
3 at the beginning of the status code
300: a variety of options. The requested resource can include multiple locations, and a list of resource features and addresses can be returned accordingly for the user terminal (eg, browser) to select
301: move permanently. The requested resource has been permanently moved to the new URI, the returned information will include the new URI, and the browser will automatically redirect to the new URI. Any new requests in the future should use the new URI instead
302: temporary move. Similar to 301. But resources are only temporarily moved. The client should continue to use the original URI
303: View other addresses. Similar to 301. View using GET and POST requests
304: unmodified. The requested resource is unmodified, and the server does not return any resources when it returns this status code. Clients typically cache accessed resources by providing a header that states that the client wants to return only those resources that were modified after the specified date
305: Use a proxy. The requested resource must be accessed through a proxy
306: HTTP status code that has been discarded
307: temporary redirect. Similar to 302. Use GET request redirection
4 The beginning of the status code
400: Client request syntax error, the server can not understand
401: The request asks the user for authentication
402: Reserved for future use
403: The server understands the request for the client, but refuses to execute the request
404: The server could not find the resource (web page) based on the client's request. With this code, a website designer can set a personalized page that says "The resource you requested can not be found."
405: The method in the client request is disabled
406: The server can not complete the request based on the content characteristics requested by the client
407: The request asks for the identity of the proxy, similar to 401, but the requester should use the proxy for authorization
408: The server waits for the client to send the request for too long, timeout
409: The server may complete the client's PUT request is likely to return this code, the server encountered a request conflict
410: The client requested resource no longer exists. 410 is different from 404, if the resource has been permanently deleted for the 410 code, the site designer can specify the new location of the resource with the 301 code
411: The server was unable to process the request message sent by the client without Content-Length
412: Client request information is a prerequisite error
413: The request is denied because the requested entity is too large for the server to process. To prevent continuous client requests, the server may close the connection. If only the server temporarily unable to deal with, it will contain a Retry-After response
414: Request URI is too long (URI is usually the URL), the server can not handle
415: The server was unable to process the media format attached to the request
416: Invalid client request range
417: The server can not satisfy Expect's request header information
5 The beginning of the status code
500; internal server error, unable to complete the request
501: The server does not support the requested functionality and can not complete the request
502: A server acting as a gateway or proxy receives an invalid request from a remote server
503: The server is temporarily unable to process the client's request due to overloading or system maintenance. The length of the delay can be included in the server's Retry-After header
504: act as a gateway or proxy server, did not get requests from the remote server in time
505: The server does not support the requested version of the HTTP protocol and can not complete the process
506: Expanded by Transparent Content Negotiation Protocol (RFC 2295), representing an internal configuration error on behalf of the server: The requested Negotiation Argument resource is configured to use itself in transparent content negotiation and is therefore not suitable in a negotiation process Focus.
507: The server can not store the content necessary to complete the request. This situation is considered temporary. WebDAV (RFC 4918)
509: The server reached the bandwidth limit. This is not an official status code, but is still widely used.
510: The strategy needed to get the resource is not missing. (RFC 2774)
作者: https://www.haotuiwang.cn/ 平头哥SEO,原创不易,转载时必须以链接形式注明作者和原始出处及本声明。
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