WeeklyMe#2019-06-23 Spotify 的情绪生意、硅谷的中国模式、WWDC 笔记等

栏目: IOS · 发布时间: 5年前

内容简介:本周几个科技领域值得深读和收藏的观点与故事。Spotify 如何将音乐情绪变成一门广告生意。来自微信与中心化的信息收集机制。来自



Spotify 如何将音乐情绪变成一门广告生意。来自 The Bafffler 的一篇文章:

 In Spotify’s world, listening data has become the oil that fuels a monetizable metrics machine, pumping the numbers that lure advertisers to the platform. In a data-driven listening environment, the commodity is no longer music. The commodity is listening. The commodity is users and their moods. The commodity is listening habits as behavioral data. Indeed, what Spotify calls “streaming intelligence” should be understood as surveillance of its users to fuel its own growth and ability to sell mood-and-moment data to brands. 

微信与中心化的信息收集机制。来自 Nautilus 的一篇长文,虽说有些老生常谈,但通过外国人的视角去看微信的社会影响,多了几分冷静:

 Moreover, the data centralization that has enabled WeChat to map itself neatly onto users’ personal and commercial lives, has now created an opportunity for the government to step in and invite it into their political lives. Beyond sharing data with the government, WeChat is now rolling out a digital ID card. Every Chinese citizen is issued an ID card. It functions like a domestic passport and is needed for any interaction with the state—at hospitals, booking trains, flying domestically, or making bank transactions. In Guangzhou, the provincial government has already debuted a WeChat ID card and there are plans for it to be rolled out across the whole of China. Hijiacking WeChat in the future could grant a hacker everything from a user’s government-approved identity to his or her bank details, address, and coffee preferences. 

自动驾驶创业公司 Aurora CEO Chris Urmson 的 这篇专访 非常值得一读,他预测该技术将在未来50年内普及。在这次访谈中,Urmson 讨论了大规模采用自动驾驶汽车的障碍、现实条件下测试技术的可能性以及为什么未来自动驾驶汽车的形状会发生巨大变化,比如锥形。

一个Twitter 讨论 ,你曾经 有哪些科技预测被证明是大错特错的 ,可以看到一群资深投资人爆料自己的故事。

在硅谷,有一群人把中国的商业模式搬到了美国。来自 界面 的一篇报道:




这种商业模式的拷贝不仅仅在外卖领域。越来越多的华人创业者通过对中国模式进行本土化改造,开始受到硅谷资本的关注,试图把Copy to China改写成Copy from China的故事。

苹果产品策略的变化。来自苹果分析师 Neil Cybart 的一篇分析,简言之,过去苹果各个产品线之间更像是「相互协作」,而如今,随着 WatchOS 升级、iPadOS 的出现以及 Mac Pro 硬件的更新,整个苹果的产品策略开始变得相互独立,下面两张图就是鲜明的对比。

WeeklyMe#2019-06-23 Spotify 的情绪生意、硅谷的中国模式、WWDC 笔记等

WeeklyMe#2019-06-23 Spotify 的情绪生意、硅谷的中国模式、WWDC 笔记等



FB 开源 pyRobot,推进机器人研究。这是 FB AI 实验室 的介绍:

 PyRobot is a framework and ecosystem that enables AI researchers and students to get up and running with a robot in just a few hours, without specialized knowledge of the hardware or of details such as device drivers, control, and planning. PyRobot will help Facebook AI advance our long-term robotics research, which aims to develop embodied AI systems that can learn efficiently by interacting with the physical world. We are now open-sourcing PyRobot to help others in the AI and robotics community as well. 

通用旗下的 Cruise 开源用于自动驾驶的数据分析工具。来自 VB 的报道:

 Cruise, the self-driving startup that General Motors acquired for nearly $1 billion in 2016, generates an enormous amount of data by any measure. It orchestrates 200,000 hours of driving simulation jobs daily in Google Cloud Platform, spread across 30,000 virtual cars in an environment running on 300,000 processor cores and 5,000 graphics cards. Both those cars and Cruise’s fleet of over 180 real-world autonomous Chevrolet Bolts make thousands of decisions every second, and they base these decisions on observations captured in binary format from cameras, microphones, radar sensors, and lidar sensors. 
 Insights gleaned from the resulting petabytes of data inform improvements to Cruise’s software and hardware stacks, in part with the help of an internal visualization tool — Webviz — that’s now used by nearly a thousand monthly active Cruise engineers spanning dozens of teams. Today, in the spirit of open collaboration, Cruise announced that it’ll make Webviz freely available to developers in need of a modular robotics analysis solution. 

WWDC 2019 Session 的笔记。此前苹果放出了 WWDC 2.19 各个 Session 的视频资源,如果你依然没有时间去观看,那么不妨先来看看这些 Session 的笔记,点击 这里 获取这些笔记。



WeeklyMe#2019-06-23 Spotify 的情绪生意、硅谷的中国模式、WWDC 笔记等


WeeklyMe#2019-06-23 Spotify 的情绪生意、硅谷的中国模式、WWDC 笔记等


WeeklyMe#2019-06-23 Spotify 的情绪生意、硅谷的中国模式、WWDC 笔记等


以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《WeeklyMe#2019-06-23 Spotify 的情绪生意、硅谷的中国模式、WWDC 笔记等》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






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