struct stack; typedef struct stack sStack; typedef sStack *pStack; #define EmptyTOS -1; struct stack { int capacity; int topOfStack; long long int *data; }; pStack elrInitStackInt(int capaticy) { pStack s; s = malloc(sizeof(sStack)); if (s == NULL) { printf("out of space!"); } s->data = malloc(sizeof(long long int) * capaticy); if (s->data == NULL) { printf("out of space!"); } s->capacity = capaticy; elrMakeStackEmpty(s); return s; } void elrFreeStackInt(pStack stack) { if (stack != NULL) { free(stack->data); free(stack); } } int elrIsStackEmpty(pStack stack) { return stack->topOfStack == EmptyTOS; } int elrIsStackFull(pStack stack) { return stack->topOfStack == (stack->capacity - 1); } void elrMakeStackEmpty(pStack stack) { stack->topOfStack = EmptyTOS; } void elrPushStackInt(pStack stack, long long int data) { if (elrIsStackFull(stack)) { printf("full stack"); } else { stack->data[++stack->topOfStack] = data; } } long long int elrPopStackInt(pStack stack) { if (elrIsStackEmpty(stack)) { printf("empty stack"); } else { return stack->data[--stack->topOfStack]; } }
struct queue; typedef struct queue sQueue; typedef sQueue *pQueue; struct queue { int capacity; int front; int rear; int size; long long int *data; }; pQueue elrInitQueueInt(int capaticy) { pQueue s; s = malloc(sizeof(sQueue)); if (s == NULL) { printf("out of space!"); } s->data = malloc(sizeof(long long int) * capaticy); if (s->data == NULL) { printf("out of space!"); } s->capacity = capaticy; elrMakeQueueEmpty(s); return s; } void elrFreeQueueInt(pQueue queue) { if (queue != NULL) { free(queue->data); free(queue); } } int elrIsQueueEmpty(pQueue queue) { return queue->size == 0; } int elrIsQueueFull(pQueue queue) { return queue->size == queue->capacity; } void elrMakeQueueEmpty(pQueue queue) { queue->size = 0; queue->front = 1; queue->rear = 0; } int succ(pQueue queue, int value) { if (++value == queue->capacity) { value = 0; } return value; } void elrEnqueuekInt(pQueue queue, long long int data) { if (elrIsQueueFull(queue)) { printf("full queue"); } else { queue->size++; queue->rear = succ(queue, queue->rear); queue->data[queue->rear] = data; } } long long int elrDequeueInt(pQueue queue) { if (elrIsQueueEmpty(queue)) { printf("empty queue"); } else { queue->size--; int data = queue->data[queue->front]; queue->front = succ(queue, queue->front); } }
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《数据结构算法学习-队列-栈》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!