- 安装cocoapods,如果这个都没有安装,基本上不用往后面看了。
- 安装 ruby 库xcodeproj,详见 Xcodeproj Github 。
project_path = 'xxx.xcodeproj' project = Xcodeproj::Project.open(project_path) 复制代码
二、修改工程某Target的build setting
project.targets.each do |target| #your target name if target.name == 'Scene' target.build_configurations.each do |config| # Debug / Release if config.name == 'Release' #获得build settings build_settings = config.build_settings #build_settings是一个哈希,里面是一个个配置 build_settings.each do |key,value| print key, " == ", value, "\n" # 可在这里进行设置证书等操作,常用的如下: # 比如修改bundle id ,测试 # build_settings[key] = "com.test.demo" # 设置授权文件 # build_settings["CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS"] = "xxx.entitlements" # 设置签名 iPhone Distribution / iPhone Developer build_settings["PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER"] = "PROFILENAME" build_settings["PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER"] = "your BUNDLEID" build_settings["DEVELOPMENT_TEAM"] = "your TEAMID" # ..... 其他的视情况(需求)去查找API end end end end 复制代码
def updateDependecies(mode, project, app_target_name, ext) require 'xcodeproj' # Find project and app target puts mode xc = project app_target = xc.targets.find { |t| t.name == app_target_name } # Find app extensions' target objects target = xc.targets.find { |t| t.name == ext } return "Couldn't find a '#{ext}' target in '#{app_target_name}'" if target.nil? return "'#{ext}' doesn't seem to be an application extension target" unless target.product_type.include? 'app-extension' target # Find .appex product files appex = target.product_reference # Add or remove dependency on extension targets dependency = app_target.dependency_for_target(target) puts app_target.dependencies if mode == 'add' if dependency puts "[WARN] App already has dependency on #{target.name}" else app_target.add_dependency(target) end else if dependency app_target.dependencies.delete(dependency) else puts "[WARN] Couldn't find dependency on #{target.name}" end end # Add or remove .appex copy jobs embed_extensions_phase = app_target.copy_files_build_phases.find do |copy_phase| copy_phase.symbol_dst_subfolder_spec == :plug_ins end return "Couldn't find 'Embed App Extensions' phase" if embed_extensions_phase.nil? appex_included = embed_extensions_phase.files_references.include? appex if mode == 'add' if appex_included puts "[WARN] App already embeds #{appex.display_name}" else build_file = embed_extensions_phase.add_file_reference(appex) build_file.settings = { "ATTRIBUTES" => ['RemoveHeadersOnCopy'] } end else if appex_included embed_extensions_phase.remove_file_reference(appex) else puts "[WARN] App doesn't seem to embed #{appex.display_name}" end end return "更新依赖完成,update dependency '#{ext}' target in '#{app_target_name}'" end 复制代码
- 相关知识 参考地址
Link binary with libraries system libraries, link them.
Embed Frameworks 3rd party libraries, embed them.
- 添加或移除系统framework
def exsit_framework?(build_phase,name) # next !if build_phase.nil? build_phase.files_references.each do |ref| if ref.name == "#{name}" puts "已经存在 #{name}" return true end end puts "不存在 #{name}" return false end def updateSystemFramework(project,target,name, command) require 'xcodeproj' puts "#{command} #{name} to #{target}" build_phase = target.frameworks_build_phase framework_group = project.frameworks_group if command == :add if self.exsit_framework?(build_phase,name) return end systempath = "System/Library/Frameworks/" path = "#{systempath}#{name}" file_ref = framework_group.new_reference(path) file_ref.name = "#{name}" file_ref.source_tree = 'SDKROOT' build_file = build_phase.add_file_reference(file_ref) else build_phase.files_references.each do |ref| if ref.name == "#{name}" puts "删除 #{name}" build_phase.remove_file_reference(ref) framework_group.children.delete(ref) break end end end end 复制代码
- 添加或移除自定义framework 和lib
def updateCustomFramework(project,target, path,name,command) # Get useful variables frameworks_group = project.groups.find { |group| group.display_name == 'Frameworks' } frameworks_build_phase = target.build_phases.find { |build_phase| build_phase.to_s == 'FrameworksBuildPhase' } embed_frameworks_build_phase = nil target.build_phases.each do |phase| if phase.display_name == 'Embed Frameworks' embed_frameworks_build_phase = phase end # puts phase end if command == :add # Add new "Embed Frameworks" build phase to target if embed_frameworks_build_phase.nil? embed_frameworks_build_phase = project.new(Xcodeproj::Project::Object::PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase) embed_frameworks_build_phase.name = 'Embed Frameworks' embed_frameworks_build_phase.symbol_dst_subfolder_spec = :frameworks target.build_phases << embed_frameworks_build_phase end # Add framework search path to target ['Debug', 'Release'].each do |config| paths = ['$(inherited)', path] orgpath = target.build_settings(config)['FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS'] if orgpath.nil? puts "路径为空----------" target.build_settings(config)['FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS'] = paths else puts "路径非空----------" paths.each do |p| if !orgpath.include?(p) orgpath << p end end end end # Add framework to target as "Embedded Frameworks" framework_ref = frameworks_group.new_file("#{path}#{name}") exsit = false embed_frameworks_build_phase.files_references.each do |ref| if ref.name = name exsit = true end end if !exsit build_file = embed_frameworks_build_phase.add_file_reference(framework_ref) frameworks_build_phase.add_file_reference(framework_ref) build_file.settings = { 'ATTRIBUTES' => ['CodeSignOnCopy'] } end else frameworks_build_phase.files_references.each do |ref| if ref.name == "#{name}" puts "删除 #{name}" frameworks_build_phase.remove_file_reference(ref) embed_frameworks_build_phase.remove_file_reference(ref) break end end end end 复制代码
#从外面传入的参数 wifiFlag = ARGV[0] project.objects.each do |obj| if obj.isa == "PBXProject" systemCapabilities = obj.attributes["TargetAttributes"][ta.uuid]["SystemCapabilities"] puts systemCapabilities systemCapabilities["com.apple.AccessWiFi"] = {"enabled":"#{wifiFlag}"} end end 复制代码
- 原本思路 通过脚本通过sed命令直接替换字符串实现,如下:
target 'Scene' do pod 'iOSExtension/Widgets',:path => '../' pod 'XXX' pod 'YYY' pod 'AAA' pod 'BBB' end 复制代码
使用sed 命令删除包名XXX的指定行
$sed -i '' "/XXX.*/d" filePath 复制代码
- 优化思路 虽然上面的指定我们达到效果,但是某些场景下面,就显得有些丑了。如:在某些环境下,我们某个模块的所以pod库,如果还是按上面的脚本的话写法应该如下:
$sed -i '' "/XXX.*/d" filePath $sed -i '' "/YYY.*/d" filePath $sed -i '' "/AAA.*/d" filePath $sed -i '' "/BBB.*/d" filePath 复制代码
其实,Podfile 本身也是一个ruby文件,所以在其中可以定义函数。这时候,解决上面移除多个pod库的,可以定义一个函数
def myPodModule(flag) if flag == 0 puts "不--安装myPodModule" return end pod 'XXX' pod 'YYY' pod 'AAA' pod 'BBB' puts "安装myPodModule" end target 'Scene' do pod 'iOSExtension/Widgets',:path => '../' #调用 myPodModule(1) end 复制代码
#依赖的脚本 $sed -i "" 's/myPodModule(0)/myPodModule(1)/g' xxx/Podfile #不依赖的脚本 $sed -i "" 's/myPodModule(1)/myPodModule(0)/g' xxx/Podfile 复制代码
原始的Podfile 的结构如下:
target 'Scene' do pod 'iOSExtension/Widgets',:path => '../' end target 'Widgets' do pod 'my/Wiget',:path => '../' end 复制代码
def widgets(flag) if flag == 0 puts "不--给widgets target安装依赖" return end target 'Widgets' do pod 'my/Wiget',:path => '../' end end target 'Scene' do pod 'iOSExtension/Widgets',:path => '../' end #调用 widgets(1) 复制代码
#依赖的脚本 $sed -i "" 's/widgets(0)/widgets(1)/g' xxx/Podfile #不依赖的脚本 $sed -i "" 's/widgets(1)/widgets(0)/g' xxx/Podfile 复制代码
post_install do |installer| project = installer.aggregate_targets.first.user_project project.targets.each do |target| puts target.name,'名称:' end end 复制代码
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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