内容简介:mkdocs 是一个基于Python 对 Markdown 非常友好的文档生成器,中文文档地址使用 mkdocs 我们可以用 md 编写自己的文档,而且可以免费部署到 GitHub 。pip install mkdocs
mkdocs 是一个基于 Python 对 Markdown 非常友好的文档生成器,中文文档地址
使用 mkdocs 我们可以用 md 编写自己的文档,而且可以免费部署到 GitHub 。
pip install mkdocs
λ mkdocs.exe new mydoc INFO - Creating project directory: mydoc INFO - Writing config file: mydoc\mkdocs.yml INFO - Writing initial docs: mydoc\docs\index.md λ cd mydoc\ d:\code\mydoc λ ls docs/ mkdocs.yml d:\code\mydoc λ mkdocs serve INFO - Building documentation... INFO - Cleaning site directory [I 190528 20:32:49 server:296] Serving on [I 190528 20:32:49 handlers:62] Start watching changes [I 190528 20:32:49 handlers:64] Start detecting changes [I 190528 20:33:06 handlers:135] Browser Connected:
vi docs/index.md
把 command 改为中文 命令 记得把文件改为 utf8 编码,否则会出错
INFO - Building documentation... ERROR - Encoding error reading file: index.md ERROR - Error reading page 'index.md': 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 92: invalid continuation byte [E 190528 20:38:45 ioloop:801] Exception in callback <bound method LiveReloadHandler.poll_tasks of <class 'livereload.handlers.LiveReloadHandler'>>
vi mkdocs.yml
把site_name 的 my docs 改为中文 我的文档
vi about.md
vi mkdocs.yml
site_name: 文档 pages: - [index.md, Home] - [about.md, About]
INFO - Building documentation... ERROR - Config value: 'pages'. Error: Invalid pages config. {<class 'list'>} {<class 'str'>, <class 'dict'>} [E 190529 09:57:45 ioloop:801] Exception in callback <bound method LiveReloadHandler.poll_tasks of <class 'livereload.handlers.LiveReloadHandler'>> Traceback (most recent call last): File "d:\python\lib\site-packages\tornado\ioloop.py", line 1229, in _run return self.callback() File "d:\python\lib\site-packages\livereload\handlers.py", line 69, in poll_tasks filepath, delay = cls.watcher.examine() File "d:\python\lib\site-packages\livereload\watcher.py", line 105, in examine func() File "d:\python\lib\site-packages\mkdocs\commands\serve.py", line 107, in builder site_dir=site_dir File "d:\python\lib\site-packages\mkdocs\config\base.py", line 210, in load_config "Aborted with {0} Configuration Errors!".format(len(errors)) mkdocs.exceptions.ConfigurationError: Aborted with 1 Configuration Errors! λ mkdocs -V mkdocs, version 1.0.4 from d:\python\lib\site-packages\mkdocs (Python 3.7)
Google 查找到issue https://github.com/mkdocs/mkdocs/issues/1770
site_name: 我的文档 nav: - 主页: 'index.md' - 关于: 'about.md' theme: readthedocs
λ mkdocs build INFO - Cleaning site directory INFO - Building documentation to directory: d:\code\mydoc\site d:\code\mydoc λ ls docs/ mkdocs.yml site/
一段时间后, 可能有文件被从源码中移除了, 但是相关的文档仍残留在 site 目录中. 在构建命令中添加 --clean 参数即可移除这些文档.
$ mkdocs build --clean λ cd site\ d:\code\mydoc\site λ ls 404.html css/ img/ js/ search.html sitemap.xml.gz about/ fonts/ index.html search/ sitemap.xml d:\code\mydoc\site λ php -S localhost:8000 PHP 7.1.13 Development Server started at Wed May 29 10:17:19 2019 Listening on http://localhost:8000
cd ~/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C “mysusheng@gmail.com”
vi config
Host github.com HostName github.com User git IdentityFile ~/.ssh/mysusheng λ ssh -T git@github.com Hi sushengbuhuo! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
然后将公钥上传到GitHub 配置。
λ git clone https://github.com/sushengbuhuo/markdown_doc Cloning into 'markdown_doc'... remote: Enumerating objects: 3, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done. remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done. d:\code λ cd markdown_doc\ d:\code\markdown_doc (master) λ ls README.md d:\code\markdown_doc (master) λ mkdir docs d:\code\markdown_doc (master) λ cd docs\ d:\code\markdown_doc\docs (master) λ mkdocs.exe new . INFO - Writing config file: .\mkdocs.yml INFO - Writing initial docs: .\docs\index.md d:\code\markdown_doc\docs (master) λ mkdocs build INFO - Cleaning site directory INFO - Building documentation to directory: d:\code\markdown_doc\docs\site d:\code\markdown_doc\docs (master) λ echo "site/" >> .gitignore d:\code\markdown_doc\docs (master) λ mkdocs gh-deploy --clean INFO - Cleaning site directory INFO - Building documentation to directory: d:\code\markdown_doc\docs\site WARNING - Version check skipped: No version specificed in previous deployment. INFO - Copying 'd:\code\markdown_doc\docs\site' to 'gh-pages' branch and pushing to GitHub. INFO - Your documentation should shortly be available at: https://sushengbuhuo.github.io/markdown_doc/
就是把site目录代码上传到github gh-pages分支了.
推送完成后浏览器访问 https://sushengbuhuo.github.io/markdown_doc/ 就可以看到效果了,接着修改md文件完善你的文档。
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Python 文档生成器 mkdocs》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
Andrew S. Tanenbaum / 陈向群、马洪兵 / 机械工业出版社 / 2009-7 / 75.00元
本书是操作系统领域的经典之作,与第2版相比,增加了关于Linux、Windows Vista和Symbian操作系统的详细介绍。书中集中讨论了操作系统的基本原理,包括进程、线程、存储管理、文件系统、输入/输出、死锁等,同时还包含了有关计算机安全、多媒体操作系统、掌上计算机操作系统、微内核、多核处理机上的虚拟机以及操作系统设计等方面的内容。此外,还在第2版的基础上对部分习题进行了增删,更有助于读者学......一起来看看 《现代操作系统(第3版)》 这本书的介绍吧!
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