内容简介:使用解决跨域访问,需安装使用Element UI实现
使用 Python Flask 实现。
import os from flask import Flask, request, redirect, url_for, send_from_directory from werkzeug import secure_filename from flask_cors import CORS UPLOAD_FOLDER = '/path/to/the/uploads' ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = set(['txt', 'pdf', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif']) app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app) app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] = UPLOAD_FOLDER def allowed_file(filename): return '.' in filename and \ filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1] in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS @app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def upload_file(): if request.method == 'POST': file = request.files['file'] if file and allowed_file(file.filename): filename = secure_filename(file.filename) file.save(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) return redirect(url_for('uploaded_file', filename=filename)) return ''' <!doctype html> <title>Upload new File</title> <h1>Upload new File</h1> <form action="" method=post enctype=multipart/form-data> <p><input type=file name=file> <input type=submit value=Upload> </form> ''' @app.route('/uploads/<filename>') def uploaded_file(filename): return send_from_directory(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)
解决跨域访问,需安装 flask-cors
使用Element UI实现
// action指定上传文件后台服务, on-success指定上传成功后执行的方法 <el-upload class="upload-demo" action="http://xxxx:xxxx/upload" :on-success="handleSuccess" :show-file-list="true" > <el-button size="small" type="primary">点击上传</el-button> <div slot="tip" class="el-upload__tip">只能上传txt文件,分隔符为\t</div> </el-upload> // 在Vue中指定数据fileName、计算属性fileContent、以及上传成功后的方法handleSuccess new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { fileName: null }, computed: { fileContent: function() { if(this.fileName != null) { return this.fileName.response; } } }, methods: { handleSuccess: function(response, file, fileList) { this.fileName = file; return this.$confirm(`上传 ${ file.name }成功!`); } } });
使用 d3-dsv 库。
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3-dsv.v1.min.js"></script> d3.tsvParse("foo\tbar\n1\t2"); // [{foo: "1", bar: "2"}, columns: ["foo", "bar"]]
<el-table :data="inputData" style="width: 100%" height="250"> <el-table-column v-for="col in columns" :prop="col" :label="col" > </el-table-column> </el-table>
创建、 排序 、删除、追加、reverse、slice、join转字符串、concat拼接数组、forEach循环
<el-table :data="getPageData()" style="width: 100%" @row-click="updateRow"> </el-table>
Vue.component("leaflet", { props: ['table_data', 'selected_row'], data() { return { map: null, layer: null, point: null }; }, template: '<div></div>', mounted: function() { this.init(); this.update(); this.highlight(); }, watch: { table_data: function () { this.update(); }, selected_row: function() { this.highlight(); } }, methods: { init: function() { this.map = L.map(this.$el.id).setView([29.802946,106.396835], zoom = 10); L.tileLayer( 'https://rt{s}.map.gtimg.com/realtimerender?z={z}&x={x}&y={y}&type=vector&style=0', { maxZoom: 18, subdomains: "0123", tms: true, attribution: '© <a href="http://map.qq.com/">腾讯地图</a>', } ).addTo(this.map); }, update: function() { if(this.layer != null) this.layer.removeFrom(this.map); if(this.point != null) this.point.removeFrom(this.map); // 绘制数据 var markerArray = Array(); this.table_data.forEach((pnt) => { var date = new Date(pnt['collecttime']*1000); markerArray.push(L.circle([pnt["bmuserlat"], pnt["bmuserlng"]]).bindTooltip(date+"")); // L.circle([pnt["bmuserlat"], pnt["bmuserlng"]], {radius:15}).addTo(this.map); }); this.layer = L.featureGroup(markerArray).addTo(this.map); this.map.fitBounds(this.layer.getBounds()); }, highlight: function() { if(this.point != null) this.point.removeFrom(this.map); // 绘制选中点 if(this.selected_row != null) { this.point = L.circleMarker([this.selected_row['bmuserlat'], this.selected_row['bmuserlng']], {color: "red"}).addTo(this.map).bindPopup(this.selected_row['collecttime'] + ""); } } } });
Vue.component('echarts-heatmap', { props: ['table_data'], data: function() { return { map: null } }, computed: { plot_data: function() { //GCJ-02 to BD-09 function bd_encrypt(gcjLat, gcjLon) { x_pi = 3.14159265358979324 * 3000.0 / 180.0; var x = gcjLon, y = gcjLat; var z = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) + 0.00002 * Math.sin(y * x_pi); var theta = Math.atan2(y, x) + 0.000003 * Math.cos(x * x_pi); var bdLon = z * Math.cos(theta) + 0.0065; var bdLat = z * Math.sin(theta) + 0.006; return { 'lat': bdLat, 'lon': bdLon }; } var heatArray = Array(); this.table_data.forEach(function(item) { var x = Math.round(item['bmuserlng'] * 1000) / 1000; var y = Math.round(item['bmuserlat'] * 1000) / 1000; var res = bd_encrypt(y, x); var x = res.lon; var y = res.lat; var idx = item["color_idx"] heatArray.push([x, y, idx]); }); var heatMap = []; heatArray.reduce(function(res, value){ if(!res[value]) { res[value] = value; heatMap.push(value); } return res; }, {}); var result = []; heatMap.reduce(function(res, value) { k = [value[0], value[1]] if(!res[k]) { res[k] = [value[0], value[1], 0]; result.push(res[k]); } res[k][2] += 1; return res; }, {}); var max = 0; result.reduce(function(res, value){ if(res < value[2]) { res = value[2]; max = res; } return res; }, 0); //result = result.filter(word => word[2] == max); console.log(result); return(result); }, option: function() { var points = this.plot_data; center = points.reduce(function(res, value){ return [res[0] + value[0], res[1] + value[1]]; }, [0,0]); let center_x = center[0] / points.length; let center_y = center[1] / points.length; return { animation: false, bmap: { center: [center_x, center_y], zoom: 14, roam: true }, visualMap: { show: false, top: 'top', min: 0, max: 5, seriesIndex: 0, calculable: true, inRange: { color: ['blue', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow', 'red'] } }, series: [{ type: 'heatmap', coordinateSystem: 'bmap', data: points, pointSize: 5, blurSize: 6 }]} } }, template: '<div></div>', mounted: function() { this.initMap(); this.updateMap(); }, watch: { table_data: function() { this.updateMap(); } }, methods: { initMap: function() { this.map = echarts.init(this.$el); } , updateMap: function() { var app = {}; app.title = '热力图与百度地图扩展'; this.map.setOption(option = this.option); var bmap = this.map.getModel().getComponent('bmap').getBMap(); bmap.addControl(new BMap.MapTypeControl()); this.map.setOption(option, true); } } });
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《前端数据分析工具开发》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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Head First JavaScript Programming
Eric T. Freeman、Elisabeth Robson / O'Reilly Media / 2014-4-10 / USD 49.99
This brain-friendly guide teaches you everything from JavaScript language fundamentals to advanced topics, including objects, functions, and the browser’s document object model. You won’t just be read......一起来看看 《Head First JavaScript Programming》 这本书的介绍吧!