内容简介:golang text/template的基本用法下面一个例子涉及:其中 "{{- "和" -}}"的连字符含义是是否trim前/后的空格。
golang text/template的基本用法
- 取值
if 判断
-. 数字值判断
-. 字符串判断
-. 布尔值判断
-. 元素存在性判断 - range循环
package main import ( "os" "log" "text/template" ) const templateText = ` # GENERAL VALUE NAME: {{.Name}} # IF STRING {{if ne .Name "Bob"}}No, I'm Not Bob{{end}} # IF NUMERIC {{- if le .Age 30}} I am a senior one {{else}} I am a little one {{end}} # IF BOOLEAN {{- if .Boy}} It's a Boy {{else}} It's a Girl {{end}} # RANGE {{- range $index, $friend := .Friends}} Friend {{$index}}: {{$friend}} {{- end}} # EXISTENCE {{- with .Gift -}} I have a gift: {{.}} {{else}} I have not a gift. {{end}} ` func main() { type Recipient struct { Name string Age int Boy bool Friends []string Gift string } recipient := Recipient{ Name : "Jack", Age : 30, Friends : []string {"Bob", "Json"}, Boy : true, } t := template.Must(template.New("anyname").Parse(templateText)) err := t.Execute(os.Stdout, recipient) if err != nil { log.Println("Executing template:", err) } }
其中 "{{- "和" -}}"的连字符含义是是否trim前/后的空格。
$ go build main.go && ./main # GENERAL NAME: Jack No, I'm Not Bob # IF1 I am a senior one # IF2 It's a Boy # RANGE Friend 0: Bob Friend 1: Json # GIFT I have not a gift.
详细文档请参阅: https://golang.org/pkg/text/template/#pkg-examples
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Rails Cookbook
奥西尼 / 江苏东南大学 / 2007-6 / 68.00元
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