内容简介:RabbitMQ 3.7.0 已发布,带来了一系列改进和修复,并支持 OTP 20 。 Breaking Changes Minimum required Erlang/OTP version is now 19.3. Recent Erlang versions can be obtained from Erlang Solutions, R...
RabbitMQ 3.7.0 已发布,带来了一系列改进和修复,并支持 OTP 20 。
Breaking Changes
Minimum required Erlang/OTP version is now 19.3. Recent Erlang versions can be obtained from Erlang Solutions, RabbitMQ zero dependency Erlang RPM, as well as main and backports repositories of recent Ubuntu and Debian releases.
HTTP API has minor breaking changes in several endpoints (see below).
.NET client is now .NET Core-compatible.
Starting with3.7.0
, .NET client releases are decoupled from RabbitMQ server releases and exclusively distributed via the RabbitMQ.Client NuGet package.Starting with
, Java client releases are decoupled from RabbitMQ server releases and exclusively distributed via Maven: RabbitMQ Milestones Maven repository, RabbitMQ Maven repository, as well as Maven Central.Users tagged with
now implicitly have access to most operations in all vhosts,
including those they don't have explicit permissions for.Plugins now must depend on the
application in order to be recognised as such byrabbitmq-plugins list
Plugins that do not have the dependency will still function, can be enabled or disabled but won't appear
inrabbitmq-plugins list
plugin no longer ships with RabbitMQ and is considered to be deprecated.
【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
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方兴东、刘伟 / 江苏凤凰文艺出版社 / 2015-1 / 45.00
十几年来,方兴东与马云每年一次,老友聚首,开怀畅谈,阿里上市前,作者再次与马云深度对话,阿里上市前的布局,深入探讨了一系列人们关心的话题。 本书忠实记录了阿里壮大、马云封圣的历史。作者通过细致梳理和盘点,对阿里巴巴的15年成长史进行了忠实回顾。从海博翻译社到淘宝网,从淘宝商城到天猫,从支付宝到阿里云计算,从拉来软银的第一笔投资到纽交所上市,作者对其中涉及到的人物、细节都有生动展现;对于马云、......一起来看看 《阿里巴巴正传:我们与马云的“一步之遥”》 这本书的介绍吧!